
This package was created and is maintained by Rémy Abergel (Research Engineer at CNRS & Université Paris Cité, MAP5 Laboratory) and would have never existed without the help and support of Sylvain Durand (Professor at Université Paris Cité, MAP5 Laboratory) and Yves-Michel Frapart (Senior Research Engineer at CNRS & Université Paris Cité, LCBPT), founders of many of the applications presented in the provided examples and significant contributors to this work as a whole.

We would like to thank the maintainers of several open source projects for their hard work and for their availability regarding several issues we faced during the development of PyEPRI.

  • FINUFFT: the core functionalities of the PyEPRI package (i.e., the projection and backprojection operations) strongly depend on the FINUFFT package for the computation of Nonuniform Fast Fourier Transforms. The fastness and impressively low memory consumption of the FINUFFT package has strongly motivated the creation of the PyEPRI package. We would like to thank the FINUFFT Team for their availability and support on Github.

  • Sphinx and Sphinx-Gallery: this documentation was created using Sphinx and the example galleries it contains were created using Sphinx-gallery. Special thanks to the Sphinx-gallery team for its kind support on Github.

More generally, we thank the developers of the other packages or projects (Numpy, Cupy, PyTorch, Pyvista …) on which PyEPRI relies on.

Many thanks also to Plateforme en Ligne Mathrice for hosting the documentation of the PyEPRI package, and more generally for all the great digital services they offer to the French mathematical community.