
Install latest version from sources

Assuming you have a compatible system with python3, pip and git installed, the following steps will checkout current code release, create a virtual environment, and install pyepri.

# Clone the code #
git clone
cd pyepri

# Create and activate a fresh virtual environment #
python3 -m venv ~/.venv/pyepri
source ~/.venv/pyepri/bin/activate

# Install the `pyepri` package from the checked out code #
# (do not forget the . at the end of the command line)   #
pip install -e .

# Optionally (and advised if you have a GPU device with CUDA   #
# installed), you can enable `torch` and/or `cupy` backends by #
# executing the following commands                             #
pip install -e ".[torch]" # for enabling `torch` backend support
pip install -e ".[cupy]" # for enabling `cupy` backend support

# If you want to compile the documentation by yourself, you    #
# must install the [doc] optional dependencies of the package, #
# compilation instructions are provided next                   #
pip install -e ".[doc]" # install some optional dependencies
make -C docs html # build the documentation in html format
firefox docs/_build/html/index.html # open the built documentation (you can replace firefox by any other browser)

Because this installation was done in editable mode (thanks to the -e option of pip), any further update of the repository (e.g., using the syncing commang git pull) will also update the current installation of the package.


  • If the installation of the package or one of its optional dependency fails, you may have more chance with conda (or miniconda).

  • If you still encounter difficulties, feel free to open a bug issue.