"""This module contains functions for computing frequency attenuation
(a.k.a., apodization) profiles and performing frequency attenuation
operations by circular convolution.
import math
import pyepri.checks as checks
def rfftconvol(u, rfft_filter, backend=None, dim=-1, notest=False):
"""1D Fourier convolution (a.k.a. Circular convolution) for real input signal.
u : array_like (with type `backends.cls`)
Input signal, can be multidimensional, the filtering operation
will be applied along a single dimension (broadcasting).
rfft_filter : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Input convolution filter in Fourier domain, can be either
mono-dimensional with length u.shape[dim]//2+1 OR
multidimensional with shape satisfying
+ rfft_filter.shape[k] = u.shape[k]//2+1 if k == dim;
+ rfft_filter.shape[k] = u.shape[k] otherwise.
backend : <class 'pyepri.backends.Backend'> or None, optional
A numpy, cupy or torch backend (see :py:mod:`pyepri.backends`
When backend is None, a default backend is inferred from the
input arrays ``(u, rfft_filter)``.
dim : int, optional
Dimension along which the one-dimensional direct/inverse real
FFTs (see how output is computed below) will be computed.
notest : bool, optional
Set ``notest=True`` to disable consistency checks.
out : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Filtered signal computed using
`v = backend.irfft(backend.rfft(u, dim=dim) * rfft_filter,
n=u.shape[dim], dim=dim)`.
>>> ##################
>>> # import modules #
>>> ##################
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import pyepri.apodization as apodization
>>> import pyepri.backends as backends
>>> ######################################################
>>> # create a numpy backend (you can try other choices) #
>>> ######################################################
>>> backend = backends.create_numpy_backend()
>>> #################################
>>> # compute a random input signal #
>>> #################################
>>> u = backend.rand(100,)
>>> ###########################################################
>>> # compute filter in the frequency domain over half of the #
>>> # full frequency domain (here a smoothed step profile) #
>>> ###########################################################
>>> t = backend.arange(len(u)//2+1, dtype='float32')
>>> m, sig = 40, 2.
>>> rfft_filter = apodization.smoothstep(t, m, sig, backend=backend)
>>> ###########################
>>> # compute filtered signal #
>>> ###########################
>>> v = apodization.rfftconvol(u, rfft_filter, backend=backend)
>>> ###################
>>> # display signals #
>>> ###################
>>> plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))
>>> plt.subplot(1,2,1)
>>> plt.plot(backend.to_numpy(u))
>>> plt.plot(backend.to_numpy(v))
>>> plt.title("input & filtered signals")
>>> plt.legend(["input signal", "filtered signal"])
>>> plt.subplot(1,2,2)
>>> plt.plot(backend.to_numpy(t),backend.to_numpy(rfft_filter))
>>> plt.xlabel("frequency indexes (half of the full domain)")
>>> plt.title("filter in Fourier domain (frequency attenuation profile)")
>>> plt.show()
# backend inference (if necessary)
if backend is None:
backend = checks._backend_inference_(u=u)
# consistency checks
if not notest:
_check_nd_inputs_("rfftconvol", backend, u=u,
rfft_filter=rfft_filter, dim=dim)
# compute and return the filtered signal
return backend.irfft(backend.rfft(u, dim=dim) * rfft_filter,
n=u.shape[dim], dim=dim)
def smoothstep(t, m, sig, backend=None, notest=False):
r"""Apodization profile computed as the convolution between a rectangular step function and a Gaussian function.
The computed profile roughly (but not exactly) satisfies:
+ h(t) = 1 for abs(t) < m/2 - 5*sig
+ h(t) = 0 for abs(t) > m/2 + 5*sig
leading to the following "transition intervals" (where the profile
increases from 0 to 1 or decreases from 1 to 0):
+ -m/2 + [-5*sig, 5*sig] : the profile increases from roughly 0 to
roughly 1;
+ m/2 + [-5*sig, 5*sig] : the profile decreases from roughly 1 to
roughly 0.
t : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Input sampling points for the apodization profile.
m : float
Support length for the step function (function f in the above
mathematical description).
sig : float
Smoothing parameter of the apodization profile (= standard
deviation of the Gaussian profile g in the above mathematical
backend : <class 'pyepri.backends.Backend'>
A numpy, cupy or torch backend (see :py:mod:`pyepri.backends`
When backend is None, a default backend is inferred from the
input array ``t``.
notest : bool, optional
Set ``notest=True`` to disable consistency checks.
h : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Computed values of h(t) (same shape as input t).
This module computes
.. math:: h(t) = (f * g) (t)
where :math:`*` denotes the convolution product, :math:`f` is the
rectangular step function with support length `m` defined by
.. math:: \forall x\in\mathbb{R}\,, \quad f(x) = \left\{\begin{array}{cl}x&\text{if } |x| \leq \frac{m}{2}\\0&\text{otherwise,}\end{array}\right.
and :math:`g` is the Gaussian function with standard deviation
:math:`\sigma` (corresponding the the input parameter `sig`)
defined by
.. math:: \forall x\in\mathbb{R}\,,\quad g(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}} \cdot \exp{\left(-\frac{x^2}{2\sigma^2}\right)}\,.
The practical evaluation of the output smooth step apodization profile `h`
is done using
.. math:: \forall t\in \mathbb{R}\,,\quad h(t) = \frac{1}{2} \cdot \left(\mathrm{erfc}\left(\frac{t-m/2}{\sigma \sqrt{2}}\right) - \mathrm{erfc}\left(\frac{t+m/2}{\sigma \sqrt{2}}\right)\right)
.. math:: \forall t \in \mathbb{R}\,,\quad \mathrm{erfc}(t) = \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_{t}^{+\infty} e^{-x^2} \, dx
is the complementary error function.
>>> ##################
>>> # import modules #
>>> ##################
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pyepri.backends as backends
>>> import pyepri.apodization as apodization
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> ##########################
>>> # prepare figure display #
>>> ##########################
>>> plt.rcParams.update({'axes.xmargin' : 0, 'axes.ymargin' : 0})
>>> plt.figure(figsize=(9.5, 5))
>>> plt.xlabel("t")
>>> plt.ylabel("h(t): smooth step profile")
>>> ###############################
>>> # compute apodization profile #
>>> ###############################
>>> backend = backends.create_numpy_backend()
>>> t = np.linspace(-500, 500, 10000)
>>> m = 350
>>> sig = 10
>>> h = apodization.smoothstep(t, m, sig, backend=backend)
>>> #############################
>>> # draw the computed profile #
>>> #############################
>>> plt.plot(backend.to_numpy(t), backend.to_numpy(h))
>>> #########################################################
>>> # draw boundaries on the right-side transition interval #
>>> #########################################################
>>> plt.plot((m/2-5*sig)*np.array([1, 1]), np.array([-.1, 1.1]), 'k:')
>>> plt.plot((m/2+5*sig)*np.array([1, 1]), np.array([-.1, 1.1]), 'k:')
>>> #########################################################
>>> # draw boundaries on the right-side transition interval #
>>> #########################################################
>>> plt.plot((-m/2+5*sig)*np.array([1, 1]), np.array([-.1, 1.1]), 'k:')
>>> plt.plot((-m/2-5*sig)*np.array([1, 1]), np.array([-.1, 1.1]), 'k:')
>>> plt.legend(('smooth step profile', 'boundaries of the' + '\n' +
... 'transition intervals'), loc='upper right')
>>> plt.show()
# backend inference (if necessary)
if backend is None:
backend = checks._backend_inference_(t=t)
# consistency checks
if not notest:
_check_nd_inputs_("smoothstep", backend, t=t, m=m, sig=sig)
return .5*(backend.erfc((t-.5*m)/(sig*math.sqrt(2.))) -