"""This module defines a standardized Backend class for unified use of
numpy, cupy and torch libraries (see <class 'backends.Backend'>).
This module also provides constructors of ready-to-use backends, see
+ :py:func:`create_numpy_backend()`: numpy backend constructor \
(CPU only)
+ :py:func:`create_cupy_backend()`: cupy backend constructor \
(GPU only)
+ :py:func:`create_torch_backend()`: torch backend constructor \
(CPU or GPU)
A ``backends.Backend`` instance provides attributes for data type
mapping (the standardized type is a str, e.g., ``'float32'``,
``'float64'``, ``'int32'``, ..., is mapped to the library dependent
corresponding data types).
A :class:`Backend` instance also provides lambda function attributes
that are mapped to several standard lib-dependent functions
(``lib.zeros``, ``lib.arange``, ``lib.sin``, ``lib.cos``,
``lib.meshgrid``, ..., for lib in {``numpy``, ``cupy``, ``torch``})
but with unified fashion (parameters naming, default settings, etc).
For more details about how backend system works, you may consult the
:class:`Backend` class documentation by typing:
>>> import pyepri.backends as backends
>>> help(backends.Backend)
Examples of backend instantiation and utilization are also described
in the constructor documentations:
>>> import pyepri.backends as backends
>>> help(backends.create_numpy_backend) # numpy backend constructor
>>> help(backends.create_cupy_backend) # cupy backend constructor
>>> help(backends.create_torch_backend) # torch backend constructor
import functools
import numpy as np
import os
import psutil
import re
from psutil import cpu_count # temporary fix for FINUFFT issue #596:
# force OMP_NUM_THREADS = number of
# physical cores in FINUFFT calls for CPU
# backends
def create_numpy_backend():
"""Create a numpy backend.
backend : <class 'backends.Backend'>
Backend configured to perform operations using numpy library
on CPU device.
See also
The following example illustrate how one can call the
``numpy.zeros`` and ``numpy.arange`` functions from a backend
output of this :py:func:`create_numpy_backend` function.
>>> import pyepri.backends as backends
>>> b = backends.create_numpy_backend()
>>> x = b.zeros((10,),dtype='float64')
>>> print(x)
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
>>> print(type(x))
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
>>> print(x.dtype)
>>> y = b.arange(3,10,2,dtype='int32') # another example
>>> print(y)
[3 5 7 9]
>>> z = b.arange(10) # b.arange behaves as its numpy counterpart
>>> # (`start` and `end` parameters are optional
>>> # as for numpy.arange)
>>> print(z)
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
return Backend(lib=np, device='cpu')
def create_cupy_backend():
"""Create a cupy backend.
backend : <class 'backends.Backend'>
Backend configured to perform operations using cupy library
on GPU device.
See also
The following example illustrate how one can call the
`cupy.zeros` and `cupy.arange` functions from a backend output
of this backends.create_cupy_backend function.
>>> import pyepri.backends as backends
>>> b = backends.create_cupy_backend()
>>> x = b.zeros((10,),dtype='float64')
>>> print(x)
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
>>> print(type(x))
<class 'cupy.ndarray'>
>>> print(x.dtype)
>>> print(x.device) # should return a GPU device (e.g.,
>>> # <CUDA Device 0>)
<CUDA Device 0>
>>> y = b.arange(3,10,2,dtype='int32') # another example
>>> print(y)
[3 5 7 9]
>>> z = b.arange(10) # b.arange behaves as its cuppy counterpart
>>> # (`start` and `end` parameters are optional
>>> # as for cupy.arange)
>>> print(z)
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
import cupy as cp
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot create cupy backend because cupy module is not installed.\n"
"Please install cupy and try again."
) from e
return Backend(lib=cp, device='cuda')
def create_torch_backend(device):
"""Create a torch backend with specified device.
device : str
One of {'cpu', 'cuda', 'cuda:X'} with X = device index.
backend : <class 'backends.Backend'>
A backends.Backend instance
configured to perform operations using `torch` library on the
specified device.
This function will raise an error if torch library is not
installed or if the input device argument is not available on your
See also
The following example illustrate how one can call the
``torch.zeros`` and ``torch.arange`` functions from a backend
output of this :py:func:`create_torch_backend` function.
Example 1: create and use a torch backend on 'cpu' device
To run the following example torch library should be installed on
your system (otherwise the second line of this example will raise
an error).
>>> import pyepri.backends as backends
>>> b = backends.create_torch_backend('cpu')
>>> x = b.zeros((10,),dtype='float64') # type is specified using a
>>> # str (here 'float64')
>>> print(x)
tensor([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
>>> print(x.device) # device is 'cpu' because 'cpu' was used as
>>> # input in line 2 of this example
>>> y = b.arange(3,10,2,dtype='int32') # another example
>>> print(y)
tensor([3, 5, 7, 9], dtype=torch.int32)
>>> print(y.device)
>>> z = b.arange(10) # b.arange behaves as its torch counterpart
>>> # (`start` and `end` parameters are optional
>>> # as for torch.arange)
>>> print(z)
tensor([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
Example 2: create and use a torch backend on 'cuda' device
To run the following example torch library should be installed on
your system and 'cuda' device should be available (otherwise the
second line of this example will raise an error)
>>> import pyepri.backends as backends
>>> b = backends.create_torch_backend('cuda')
>>> x = b.zeros((10,),dtype='float64') # type is specified using a
>>> # str (here 'float64')
>>> print(x) # device is now cuda:0 (can be cuda:X with X = one
>>> # available device index on your own system)
tensor([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], device='cuda:0',
>>> y = b.arange(3,10,2,dtype='int32') # another example
>>> print(y)
tensor([3, 5, 7, 9], device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.int32)
>>> z = b.arange(10)
>>> print(z)
tensor([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], device='cuda:0')
# check torch library availability
import torch
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot create torch backend because torch module is not installed.\n"
"Please install torch and try again."
) from e
# check device validity
if not isinstance(device,str) or re.match('cpu$|cuda$|(cuda:[0-9]+)$',device) is None:
raise ValueError(
"Torch device must be one of {'cpu', 'cuda', 'cuda:X'} with X = device index\n"
"(e.g. 'cuda:0'). Other kinds of Torch devices are not supported yet. Please use a\n"
"supported Torch device or ask support to the developper of this package."
# check device availability
if device.startswith('cuda'):
if not torch.cuda.is_available():
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot create torch backend on device '" + device + "' because it seems that your system\n"
"does not support CUDA (torch.cuda.is_available() returned False).\n"
"Please fix the CUDA support on your system and try again."
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot create torch backend on device '" + device + "' because \n"
"torch.cuda.get_device_properties(" + device + ") raised an error.\n"
"This error is likely caused by an invalid device choice. Please fix\n"
"this issue and try again."
) from e
# instanciate and return Backend object
return Backend(lib=torch, device=device)
class Backend:
"""Class for mapping our standardized data types and methods to the specified library (numpy, torch, cupy).
Type correspondences
This package relies on data types specified with a str from which
the library dependent data types will be inferred. The
correspondence between the different data types is provided in the
following Table.
| str | lib = numpy or cupy | lib = torch |
| ``'int8'`` | ``lib.dtype('int8')`` | ``torch.int8`` |
| ``'int16'`` | ``lib.dtype('int16')`` | ``torch.int16`` |
| ``'int32'`` | ``lib.dtype('int32')`` | ``torch.int32`` |
| ``'int64'`` | ``lib.dtype('int64')`` | ``torch.int64`` |
| ``'float32'`` | ``lib.dtype('float32')`` | ``torch.float32`` |
| ``'float64'`` | ``lib.dtype('float64')`` | ``torch.float64`` |
| ``'complex64'`` | ``lib.dtype('complex64')`` | ``torch.complex64`` |
| ``'complex128'`` | ``lib.dtype('complex128')`` | ``torch.complex128`` |
| ``None`` | ``lib.dtype(None)`` | ``None`` |
The mapping between the data types in str format and those of the
targeted library can be done using the dtypes and invdtypes
dictionary attributes described below.
We also provide a str to str mapping towards complex data types
(non invertible mapping) :
| data type | complex data type |
| ``'int8'`` | ``None`` |
| ``'int16'`` | ``None`` |
| ``'int32'`` | ``'complex64'`` |
| ``'float32'`` | ``'complex64'`` |
| ``'complex64'`` | ``'complex64'`` |
| ``'int64'`` | ``'complex128'`` |
| ``'float64'`` | ``'complex128'`` |
| ``'complex128'`` | ``'complex128'`` |
The above mapping can be used to infer the data type of a complex
array computed from another (non necessarily complex) input array
(e.g., infer the data type of the discrete Fourier transform of an
input array).
Contextual attributes
lib : <class 'module'>
One of {numpy, cupy, torch}.
device : str
Device identifier (see constructor documentation below).
cls : <class 'type'>
Native array data type in the backend library, as
described below.
| lib | cls |
| numpy | <class 'numpy.ndarray'> |
| cupy | <class 'cupy.ndarray'> |
| torch | <class 'torch.Tensor'> |
Data type mapping attributes
str_to_lib_dtypes : dict
Mapping data types in standardized str format -> lib dependent
data types (see above).
lib_to_str_dtypes : dict
Invert of the str_to_lib_dtypes mapping (lib dependent data
types -> data types in standardized str format).
mapping_to_complex_dtypes : dict
Mapping from data type in standardized str format -> complex
data type in standardized str format (see above).
Other attributes (library-dependent methods)
An instance ``backend`` with class ``pyepri.backends.Backend``
remaps library dependent methods to basically the same methods
coming from ``backend.lib`` but with standardized usage
(e.g. ``backend.meshgrid`` can remap to ``{numpy or cupy or
torch}.meshgrid`` depending on ``backend.lib``).
A mini documentation is provided for each standardized method and
can be displayed using the ``help()`` function, as illustrated
>>> import pyepri.backends as backends
>>> backend = backends.create_numpy_backend()
>>> help(backend.meshgrid)
...Help on function <lambda> in module pyepri.backends:
...<lambda> lambda *xi, indexing='xy'
... return numpy.meshgrid(*xi, indexing=indexing)
def __init__(self, lib, device):
"""Backend object constructor from the specified library and device.
lib : str
One of {'numpy','cupy','torch'} used to specify which
backend library must be mapped.
device : str
Device identifier, possible values depends on the lib
parameters, as described below
| lib | possible values for device |
| numpy | ``'cpu'`` |
| cupy | ``'cuda'`` |
| torch | ``'cuda'`` or ``'cuda:X'`` |
| | (where X = available device index) |
A Backend object
This constructor does not implement any validity test for the
device input argument.
# check lib input validity
if not hasattr(lib, '__name__') or lib.__name__ not in ['numpy','cupy','torch'] :
raise ValueError("lib must be one of {numpy, cupy, torch}")
# set contextual attibutes
self.lib = lib
if 'numpy' == lib.__name__:
self.device = 'cpu'
self.cls = lib.ndarray
elif 'torch' == lib.__name__:
self.device = device
self.cls = lib.Tensor
self.device = 'cuda'
self.cls = lib.ndarray
# add backend compliance verification method
self.is_backend_compliant = lambda *args : all([isinstance(arg, self.cls) for arg in args])
# set mapping str data type -> lib data type
if lib.__name__ in ['numpy','cupy']: # lib = numpy or cupy
self.str_to_lib_dtypes = {
'int8' : lib.dtype('int8'),
'int16' : lib.dtype('int16'),
'int32' : lib.dtype('int32'),
'int64' : lib.dtype('int64'),
'float32' : lib.dtype('float32'),
'float64' : lib.dtype('float64'),
'complex64' : lib.dtype('complex64'),
'complex128' : lib.dtype('complex128'),
None : None,
else: # lib = torch
self.str_to_lib_dtypes = {
'float32' : lib.float32,
'float64' : lib.float64,
'int8' : lib.int8,
'int16' : lib.int16,
'int32' : lib.int32,
'int64' : lib.int64,
'complex64' : lib.complex64,
'complex128' : lib.complex128,
None : None,
# mapping to complex datatype (non invertible mapping)
self.mapping_to_complex_dtypes = {
'int8' : None,
'int16' : None,
'int32' : 'complex64',
'float32' : 'complex64',
'complex64' : 'complex64',
'int64' : 'complex128',
'float64' : 'complex128',
'complex128' : 'complex128',
# set invert mapping : lib data type -> str data type
self.lib_to_str_dtypes = {value: key for key, value in self.str_to_lib_dtypes.items()}
# set backend's methods that are common to all lib
self.sqrt = lib.sqrt
self.sin = lib.sin
self.cos = lib.cos
self.arccos = lib.arccos
self.arctan2 = lib.arctan2
self.real = lib.real
self.argwhere = lib.argwhere
self.abs = lib.abs
self.tile = lib.tile
self.moveaxis = lib.moveaxis
self.meshgrid = lambda *xi, indexing='xy' : lib.meshgrid(*xi, indexing=indexing)
self.exp = lambda arr, out=None : lib.exp(arr, out=out)
# set minimal doc for the above defined lambda functions
self.meshgrid.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".meshgrid(*xi, indexing=indexing)\n"
self.exp.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".exp(arr, out=out)"
# prepare decorator for temporary fix for FINUFFT issue #596
def assign_finufft_nthreads(func):
omp_num_threads = os.environ.get("OMP_NUM_THREADS")
nthreads = int(omp_num_threads) if omp_num_threads is not None else max(1, cpu_count(logical=False) - 1)
def assigned_func(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, nthreads=nthreads, **kwargs) if 'nthreads' not in kwargs.keys() else func(*args, **kwargs)
return assigned_func
# set lib-dependent backends methods
if lib.__name__ in ['numpy','cupy']:
# remap lib-dependant methods using lambda functions
self.zeros = lambda *size, dtype=None : lib.zeros(*size, dtype=lib.dtype(dtype))
self.fftshift = lambda u, dim=None : lib.fft.fftshift(u, axes=dim)
self.ifftshift = lambda u, dim=None : lib.fft.ifftshift(u, axes=dim)
self.arange = lambda *args, dtype=None : functools.partial(lib.arange, dtype=dtype)(*args)
self.linspace = lambda *args, dtype=None : functools.partial(lib.linspace, dtype=dtype)(*args)
self.cumsum = lambda u, dim : lib.cumsum(u, axis=dim)
self.randperm = lambda n, dtype='int64' : lib.random.permutation(n).astype(dtype)
self.rand = lambda *dims, dtype='float32' : lib.random.rand(*dims).astype(dtype)
self.randn = lambda size, dtype='float32', mean=0., std=1. : lib.random.normal(size=size, loc=mean, scale=std).astype(dtype)
self.erfc = lambda x, out=None : sp.special.erfc(x, out=out)
self.is_complex = lambda x : lib.iscomplexobj(x)
self.cast = lambda x, dtype : x.astype(self.str_to_lib_dtypes[dtype])
self.transpose = lambda x : x.transpose()
self.copy = lambda x : lib.copy(x)
self.maximum = lambda x1, x2 : lib.maximum(x1, x2)
self.stack = lambda arrays, dim=0, out=None : lib.stack(arrays, axis=dim, out=out)
self.quantile = lambda u, q, dim=None, keepdim=False, out=None, interpolation='linear' : lib.quantile(u, q, axis=dim, keepdims=keepdim, out=out, method=interpolation)
self.frombuffer = lambda buffer, dtype='float32', count=-1, offset=0 : lib.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=dtype, count=count, offset=offset)
if 'numpy' == lib.__name__:
self.to_numpy = lambda x : x
self.from_numpy = lambda x : x
else :
self.to_numpy = lambda x : lib.asnumpy(x)
self.from_numpy = lambda x : lib.asarray(x)
# set minimal doc for the above defined lambda functions
self.zeros.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".zeros(*size, dtype=" + lib.__name__ + ".dtype(dtype))"
self.fftshift.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.fftshift(u, axes=dim)"
self.ifftshift.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.ifftshift(u, axes=dim)"
self.arange.__doc__ = "return functools.partial(" + lib.__name__ + ".arange, dtype=dtype)(*args)"
self.linspace.__doc__ = "return functools.partial(" + lib.__name__ + ".linspace, dtype=dtype)(*args)"
self.cumsum.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".cumsum(u, axis=dim)"
self.rand.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".random.rand(*dims).astype(dtype)"
self.randn.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".random.normal(size=size, loc=mean, scale=std).astype(dtype)"
self.randperm.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".random.permutation(n).astype(dtype)"
self.transpose.__doc__ = "return x.transpose()"
self.copy.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".copy(x)"
self.maximum.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".maximum(x1, x2)"
self.erfc.__doc__ = "return scipy.special.erfc(x, out=out)"
self.is_complex.__doc__ = "return" + lib.__name__ + ".iscomplexobj(x)"
self.to_numpy.__doc__ = "return " + ("x" if 'numpy' == lib.__name__ else "cupy.asnumpy(x)")
self.from_numpy.__doc__ = "return " + ("x" if 'numpy' == lib.__name__ else "cupy.asarray(x)")
self.is_backend_compliant.__doc__ = (
"return all([isinstance(arg, " + lib.__name__ + ".ndarray) for arg in args])"
self.cast.__doc__ = (
"return x.astype(self.str_to_lib_dtypes[dtype]), where `self` denotes the \n"
"backends.Backend class instance from wich this lambda function belongs to."
self.stack.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".stack(arrays, axis=dim, out=out)"
self.quantile.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".quantile(u, q, axis=dim, keepdims=keepdim, out=out, method=interpolation)"
self.frombuffer.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".frombuffer(buffer, dtype=" + lib.__name__ + ".dtype(dtype), count=count, offset=offset)"
# deal with FFT support (differences of output data type
# inference exist between numpy and cupy)
if lib.__name__ == "numpy":
# direct transform: default behavior of direct FFT
# functions provided in numpy.fft is to return a
# numpy.complex128 output array whatever the data type
# of the input array. We will cast the output with a
# custom complex data type inferred from the input
# (which is the default behavior for `cupy.fft` and
# `torch.fft` functions.
self.rfft = lambda u, n=None, dim=-1, norm=None : lib.fft.rfft(u, n=n, axis=dim, norm=norm).astype(self.mapping_to_complex_dtypes[self.lib_to_str_dtypes[u.dtype]])
self.fft = lambda u, n=None, dim=-1, norm=None : lib.fft.fft(u, n=n, axis=dim, norm=norm).astype(self.mapping_to_complex_dtypes[self.lib_to_str_dtypes[u.dtype]])
self.rfft2 = lambda u, s=None, dim=(-2, -1), norm=None : lib.fft.rfft2(u, s=s, axes=dim, norm=norm).astype(self.mapping_to_complex_dtypes[self.lib_to_str_dtypes[u.dtype]])
self.fft2 = lambda u, s=None, dim=(-2, -1), norm=None : lib.fft.fft2(u, s=s, axes=dim, norm=norm).astype(self.mapping_to_complex_dtypes[self.lib_to_str_dtypes[u.dtype]])
self.rfftn = lambda u, s=None, dim=None, norm=None : lib.fft.rfftn(u, s=s, axes=dim, norm=norm).astype(self.mapping_to_complex_dtypes[self.lib_to_str_dtypes[u.dtype]])
self.fftn = lambda u, s=None, dim=None, norm=None : lib.fft.fftn(u, s=s, axes=dim, norm=norm).astype(self.mapping_to_complex_dtypes[self.lib_to_str_dtypes[u.dtype]])
# inverse transform: the default behavior of numpy.fft.irfft is to return a numpy.float64 array whaterver the data type of the input array. We provide below
mapping_to_real_dtypes = {
'int32' : 'float32',
'float32' : 'float32',
'complex64' : 'float32',
'int64' : 'float64',
'float64' : 'float64',
'complex128' : 'float64',
self.irfft = lambda u, n=None, dim=-1, norm=None : lib.fft.irfft(u, n=n, axis=dim, norm=norm).astype(mapping_to_real_dtypes[self.lib_to_str_dtypes[u.dtype]])
self.ifft = lambda u, n=None, dim=-1, norm=None : lib.fft.ifft(u, n=n, axis=dim, norm=norm).astype(self.mapping_to_complex_dtypes[self.lib_to_str_dtypes[u.dtype]])
self.irfft2 = lambda u, s=None, dim=(-2, -1), norm=None : lib.fft.irfft2(u, s=s, axes=dim, norm=norm).astype(mapping_to_real_dtypes[self.lib_to_str_dtypes[u.dtype]])
self.ifft2 = lambda u, s=None, dim=(-2, -1), norm=None : lib.fft.ifft2(u, s=s, axes=dim, norm=norm).astype(self.mapping_to_complex_dtypes[self.lib_to_str_dtypes[u.dtype]])
self.irfftn = lambda u, s=None, dim=None, norm=None : lib.fft.irfftn(u, s=s, axes=dim, norm=norm).astype(mapping_to_real_dtypes[self.lib_to_str_dtypes[u.dtype]])
self.ifftn = lambda u, s=None, dim=None, norm=None : lib.fft.ifftn(u, s=s, axes=dim, norm=norm).astype(self.mapping_to_complex_dtypes[self.lib_to_str_dtypes[u.dtype]])
# set minimal doc for the above defined lambda functions
self.rfft.__doc__ = (
"return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.rfft(u, n=n, axis=dim, norm=norm).astype(cdtype)\n"
"where `cdtype` is a complex data type inferred from `u`."
self.fft.__doc__ = (
"return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.fft(u, n=n, axis=dim, norm=norm).astype(cdtype)\n"
"where `cdtype` is a complex data type inferred from `u`."
self.rfft2.__doc__ = (
"return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.rfft2(u, n=n, axes=dim, norm=norm).astype(cdtype)\n"
"where `cdtype` is a complex data type inferred from `u`."
self.fft2.__doc__ = (
"return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.fft2(u, n=n, axes=dim, norm=norm).astype(cdtype)\n"
"where `cdtype` is a complex data type inferred from `u`."
self.rfftn.__doc__ = (
"return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.rfftn(u, n=n, axes=dim, norm=norm).astype(cdtype)\n"
"where `cdtype` is a complex data type inferred from `u`."
self.fftn.__doc__ = (
"return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.fftn(u, n=n, axes=dim, norm=norm).astype(cdtype)\n"
"where `cdtype` is a complex data type inferred from `u`."
self.irfft.__doc__ = (
"return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.irfft(u, n=n, axis=dim, norm=norm).astype(dtype)\n"
"where `dtype` is a real data type inferred from `u`."
self.ifft.__doc__ = (
"return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.ifft(u, n=n, axis=dim, norm=norm).astype(cdtype)\n"
"where `cdtype` is a complex data type inferred from `u`."
self.irfft2.__doc__ = (
"return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.irfft2(u, n=n, axes=dim, norm=norm).astype(dtype)\n"
"where `dtype` is a real data type inferred from `u`."
self.ifft2.__doc__ = (
"return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.ifft2(u, n=n, axes=dim, norm=norm).astype(cdtype)\n"
"where `cdtype` is a complex data type inferred from `u`."
self.irfftn.__doc__ = (
"return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.irfftn(u, n=n, axes=dim, norm=norm).astype(dtype)\n"
"where `dtype` is a real data type inferred from `u`."
self.ifftn.__doc__ = (
"return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.ifftn(u, n=n, axes=dim, norm=norm).astype(cdtype)\n"
"where `cdtype` is a complex data type inferred from `u`."
else: # lib == "cupy"
# default output data type inference provided by
# `cupy.fft` functions are kept unchanged
self.rfft = lambda u, n=None, dim=-1, norm=None : lib.fft.rfft(u, n=n, axis=dim, norm=norm)
self.irfft = lambda u, n=None, dim=-1, norm=None : lib.fft.irfft(u, n=n, axis=dim, norm=norm)
self.fft = lambda u, n=None, dim=-1, norm=None : lib.fft.fft(u, n=n, axis=dim, norm=norm)
self.ifft = lambda u, n=None, dim=-1, norm=None : lib.fft.ifft(u, n=n, axis=dim, norm=norm)
self.rfft2 = lambda u, s=None, dim=(-2, -1), norm=None : lib.fft.rfft2(u, s=s, axes=dim, norm=norm)
self.irfft2 = lambda u, s=None, dim=(-2, -1), norm=None : lib.fft.irfft2(u, s=s, axes=dim, norm=norm)
self.fft2 = lambda u, s=None, dim=(-2, -1), norm=None : lib.fft.fft2(u, s=s, axes=dim, norm=norm)
self.ifft2 = lambda u, s=None, dim=(-2, -1), norm=None : lib.fft.ifft2(u, s=s, axes=dim, norm=norm)
self.rfftn = lambda u, s=None, dim=None, norm=None : lib.fft.rfftn(u, s=s, axes=dim, norm=norm)
self.irfftn = lambda u, s=None, dim=None, norm=None : lib.fft.irfftn(u, s=s, axes=dim, norm=norm)
self.fftn = lambda u, s=None, dim=None, norm=None : lib.fft.fftn(u, s=s, axes=dim, norm=norm)
self.ifftn = lambda u, s=None, dim=None, norm=None : lib.fft.ifftn(u, s=s, axes=dim, norm=norm)
self.rfft.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.rfft(u, n=n, axis=dim, norm=norm)"
self.irfft.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.irfft(u, n=n, axis=dim, norm=norm)"
self.fft.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.fft(u, n=n, axis=dim, norm=norm)"
self.ifft.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.ifft(u, n=n, axis=dim, norm=norm)"
self.rfft2.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.rfft2(u, n=n, axes=dim, norm=norm)"
self.irfft2.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.irfft2(u, n=n, axes=dim, norm=norm)"
self.fft2.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.fft2(u, n=n, axes=dim, norm=norm)"
self.ifft2.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.ifft2(u, n=n, axes=dim, norm=norm)"
self.rfftn.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.rfftn(u, n=n, axes=dim, norm=norm)"
self.irfftn.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.irfftn(u, n=n, axes=dim, norm=norm)"
self.fftn.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.fftn(u, n=n, axes=dim, norm=norm)"
self.ifftn.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".fft.ifftn(u, n=n, axes=dim, norm=norm)"
# nufft support (use finufft for CPU device and cufinufft
# for GPU device)
if lib.__name__ == "numpy":
import finufft
self.nufft2d = assign_finufft_nthreads(finufft.nufft2d2)
self.nufft3d = assign_finufft_nthreads(finufft.nufft3d2)
self.nufft2d_adjoint = assign_finufft_nthreads(finufft.nufft2d1)
self.nufft3d_adjoint = assign_finufft_nthreads(finufft.nufft3d1)
import cufinufft
self.nufft2d = cufinufft.nufft2d2
self.nufft3d = cufinufft.nufft3d2
self.nufft2d_adjoint = cufinufft.nufft2d1
self.nufft3d_adjoint = cufinufft.nufft3d1
else: # lib == torch
# remap some lib-dependant methods using lambda functions
self.zeros = lambda *size, dtype=None : lib.zeros(*size, dtype=self.str_to_lib_dtypes[dtype], device=device)
self.arange = lambda *args, dtype=None : functools.partial(lib.arange, dtype=self.str_to_lib_dtypes[dtype], device=device)(*args)
self.linspace = lambda *args, dtype=None : functools.partial(lib.linspace, dtype=self.str_to_lib_dtypes[dtype], device=device)(*args)
self.rand = lambda *dims, dtype='float32' : lib.rand(*dims, dtype=self.str_to_lib_dtypes[dtype], device=device)
self.randperm = lambda n, dtype='int64' : lib.randperm(n, dtype=self.str_to_lib_dtypes[dtype], device=device)
self.randn = lambda *size, dtype='float32', mean=0., std=1. : mean + std * lib.randn(*size, dtype=self.str_to_lib_dtypes[dtype], device=device)
self.erfc = lambda x, out=None : lib.erfc(x, out=out)
self.is_complex = lambda x : x.is_complex()
self.to_numpy = lambda x : x.detach().cpu().numpy()
#self.from_numpy = lambda x : lib.from_numpy(x).to(device, copy=True) # conflict between pytorch and numpy 2.0.0
self.from_numpy = lambda x : lib.Tensor(x).to(device, copy=True, dtype=self.str_to_lib_dtypes[str(x.dtype)]) # need explicit type
self.cast = lambda x, dtype : x.type(self.str_to_lib_dtypes[dtype])
self.transpose = lambda x : x.moveaxis((0,1),(1,0))
self.copy = lambda x : lib.clone(x).detach()
self.maximum = lambda x1, x2 : lib.maximum(lib.as_tensor(x1), lib.as_tensor(x2))
self.stack = lambda arrays, dim=0, out=None : lib.stack(arrays, dim=dim, out=out)
self.quantile = lambda u, q, dim=None, keepdim=False, out=None, interpolation='linear' : lib.quantile(u, q, dim=dim, keepdim=keepdim, out=out, interpolation=interpolation)
self.frombuffer = lambda buffer, dtype='float32', count=-1, offset=0 : lib.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=self.str_to_lib_dtypes[dtype], count=count, offset=offset)
# remap some other lib-dependent methods using direct
# mappings
self.rfft = lib.fft.rfft
self.irfft = lib.fft.irfft
self.fft = lib.fft.fft
self.ifft = lib.fft.ifft
self.rfft2 = lib.fft.rfft2
self.irfft2 = lib.fft.irfft2
self.fft2 = lib.fft.fft2
self.ifft2 = lib.fft.ifft2
self.rfftn = lib.fft.rfftn
self.irfftn = lib.fft.irfftn
self.fftn = lib.fft.fftn
self.ifftn = lib.fft.ifftn
self.fftshift = lib.fft.fftshift
self.ifftshift = lib.fft.ifftshift
self.cumsum = lib.cumsum
# set minimal doc for the above defined lambda functions
self.zeros.__doc__ = (
"return torch.zeros(*size, dtype=self.str_to_lib_dtypes[dtype], device='" + self.device + "')\n"
"where `self` denotes the backends.Backend class instance from wich this lambda\n"
"function belongs to."
self.arange.__doc__ = (
"return functools.partial(torch.arange, dtype=self.str_to_lib_dtypes[dtype], device='" + self.device + "')(*args)\n"
"where `self` denotes the backends.Backend class instance from wich this lambda\n"
"function belongs to."
self.linspace.__doc__ = (
"return functools.partial(torch.linspace, dtype=self.str_to_lib_dtypes[dtype], device='" + self.device + "')(*args)\n"
"where `self` denotes the backends.Backend class instance from wich this lambda\n"
"function belongs to."
self.rand.__doc__ = (
"return torch.rand(*dims, dtype=self.str_to_lib_dtypes[dtype], device='" + self.device + "')"
"where `self` denotes the backends.Backend class instance from wich this lambda\n"
"function belongs to."
self.randperm.__doc__ = (
"return torch.randperm(n, dtype=self.str_to_lib_dtypes[dtype], device='" + self.device + "')"
"where `self` denotes the backends.Backend class instance from wich this lambda\n"
"function belongs to."
self.randn.__doc__ = (
"return mean + std * torch.randn(*size, dtype=self.str_to_lib_dtypes[dtype], device='" + self.device + "')"
"where `self` denotes the backends.Backend class instance from wich this lambda\n"
"function belongs to."
self.cast.__doc__ = (
"return x.type(self.str_to_lib_dtypes[dtype]), where `self` denotes the backends.Backend\n"
"class instance from wich this lambda function belongs to."
self.transpose.__doc__ = "return x.moveaxis((0,1),(1,0))"
self.copy.__doc__ = "return "+ lib.__name__ + ".clone(x).detach()"
self.maximum.__doc__ = "return "+ lib.__name__ + ".maximum(" + lib.__name__ + ".as_tensor(x1), " + lib.__name__ + ".as_tensor(x2))"
self.stack.__doc__ = "return " + lib.__name__ + ".stack(arrays, dim=dim, out=out)"
self.erfc.__doc__ = "return torch.erfc(x, out=out)"
self.is_complex.__doc__ = "return x.is_complex()"
self.to_numpy.__doc__ = "return x.detach().cpu().numpy()"
#self.from_numpy.__doc__ = "return torch.from_numpy(x).to('" + self.device + "', copy=True)"
self.from_numpy.__doc__ = (
"return torch.Tensor(x).to('" + self.device + "', copy=True, dtype=self.str_to_lib_dtypes[str(x.dtype)])\n"
"where `self` denotes the backends.Backend class instance from wich this lambda\n"
"function belongs to."
self.is_backend_compliant.__doc__ = "return all([isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor) for arg in args])"
self.quantile.__doc__ = "return "+ lib.__name__ + ".quantile(u, q, dim=dim, keepdim=keepdim, out=out, interpolation=interpolation)"
self.frombuffer.__doc__ = (
"return " + lib.__name__ + ".frombuffer(buffer, dtype=self.str_to_lib_dtypes[dtype], count=count, offset=offset)\n"
"where `self` denotes the backends.Backend class instance from wich this lambda\n"
"function belongs to."
# nufft support (use finufft for CPU device and cufinufft
# for GPU device)
if device == "cpu" :
import finufft
# define decorator for finufft functions (those
# function do not natively accept torch.Tensor input
# arrays, such input need to be cast into
# numpy.ndarray.
def numpyfy(func):
'''Decorator to cast torch.Tensor inputs of func into numpy.ndarray
and the numpy.ndarray output of func into
def numpyfied_func(*args, **kwargs):
args2 = (a.numpy() if isinstance(a, lib.Tensor) else a for a in args)
kwargs2 = {key: val.numpy() if isinstance(val, lib.Tensor) else val for key, val in kwargs.items()}
return lib.from_numpy(func(*args2, **kwargs2))
return numpyfied_func
# decorate finufft functions
self.nufft2d = numpyfy(assign_finufft_nthreads(finufft.nufft2d2))
self.nufft3d = numpyfy(assign_finufft_nthreads(finufft.nufft3d2))
self.nufft2d_adjoint = numpyfy(assign_finufft_nthreads(finufft.nufft2d1))
self.nufft3d_adjoint = numpyfy(assign_finufft_nthreads(finufft.nufft3d1))
# add short documentation
self.nufft2d.__doc__ = (
"same as finufft.nufft2d2 but torch.Tensor inputs are cast into numpy.ndarray\n"
"and output is cast into torch.Tensor. Type `help(finufft.nufft2d2)`\n"
"for more details."
self.nufft3d.__doc__ = (
"same as finufft.nufft3d2 but torch.Tensor inputs are cast into numpy.ndarray\n"
"and output is cast into torch.Tensor. Type `help(finufft.nufft3d2)`\n"
"for more details."
self.nufft2d_adjoint.__doc__ = (
"same as finufft.nufft2d1 but torch.Tensor inputs are cast into numpy.ndarray\n"
"and output is cast into torch.Tensor. Type `help(finufft.nufft2d1)`\n"
"for more details."
self.nufft3d_adjoint.__doc__ = (
"same as finufft.nufft3d1 but torch.Tensor inputs are cast into numpy.ndarray\n"
"and output is cast into torch.Tensor. Type `help(finufft.nufft3d1)`\n"
"for more details."
import cufinufft
self.nufft2d = cufinufft.nufft2d2
self.nufft3d = cufinufft.nufft3d2
self.nufft2d_adjoint = cufinufft.nufft2d1
self.nufft3d_adjoint = cufinufft.nufft3d1