"""This module contains low-level operators related to **single source
EPR imaging** (projection, backprojection, projection-backprojection
using Toeplitz kernels). Detailed mathematical definitions of the
operators are provided in the :ref:`mathematical_definitions` section
of the PyEPRI documentation.
import math
import pyepri.checks as checks
def compute_2d_frequency_nodes(B, delta, fgrad, backend=None,
rfft_mode=True, notest=False):
"""Compute 2D irregular frequency nodes involved in 2D projection & backprojection operations.
B : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array corresponding to the homogeneous
magnetic field sampling grid, with unit denoted below as
`[B-unit]` (can be `Gauss (G)`, `millitesla (mT)`, ...), to
use to compute the projections.
delta : float
Pixel size given in a length unit denoted below as
`[length-unit]` (can be `centimeter (cm)`, `millimeter (mm)`,
fgrad : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two dimensional array with shape ``(2, fgrad.shape[1])`` such
that ``fgrad[:,k]`` corresponds to the (X,Y) coordinates of
the field gradient vector associated to the k-th EPR
projection to be computed.
The physical unit of the field gradient should be consistent
with that of `B` and delta, i.e., `fgrad` must be provided in
`[B-unit] / [length-unit]` (e.g., `G/cm`, `mT/cm`, ...).
backend : <class 'pyepri.backends.Backend'> or None, optional
A numpy, cupy or torch backend (see :py:mod:`pyepri.backends`
When backend is None, a default backend is inferred from the
input arrays ``(B, fgrad)``.
rfft_mode : bool, optional
Set ``rfft_mode=True`` to compute only half of the frequency
nodes (to be combined with the use of real FFT functions in
further processing). Otherwise, set ``rfft_mode=False`` to
compute all frequency nodes (to be combined with the use of
complex FFT functions in further processing).
notest : bool, optional
Set ``notest=True`` to disable consistency checks.
nodes : dict
A dictionary with content ``{'x': x, 'y': y, 'indexes':
indexes, 'rfft_mode': rfft_mode}`` where
+ ``x`` is a one dimensional array containing the frequency
nodes along the horizontal axis;
+ ``y`` is a one dimensional array, with same length as ``x``,
containing the frequency nodes along the vertical axis;
+ ``indexes`` is a one dimensional array, with same length as
``x``, corresponding to the indexes where should be dispatched
the computed Fourier coefficients in the rfft of the 2D
+ ``rfft_mode`` a bool specifying whether the frequency nodes
cover half of the frequency domain (``rfft_mode=True``) or the
full frequency domain (``rfft_mode=False``).
See also
# backend inference (if necessary)
if backend is None:
backend = checks._backend_inference_(B=B, fgrad=fgrad)
# consistency checks
if not notest:
_check_nd_inputs_(2, B, delta, fgrad, backend,
# retrieve several constant (`dB` = sampling step of the
# homogeneous magnetic grid, `mu` = field gradient amplitudes)
Nb = len(B)
dB = B[1] - B[0]
mu = backend.sqrt(fgrad[0]**2 + fgrad[1]**2).reshape((-1,1))
# retrieve standardized data type in str format
dtype = backend.lib_to_str_dtypes[B.dtype]
# compute regular frequency nodes & find indexes of nonzero output
# frequencies
if rfft_mode:
alf = backend.arange(1 + Nb//2, dtype=dtype)
T = (mu * alf < .5 * Nb * dB / delta) & (alf < .5 * Nb)
alf = backend.ifftshift(-(Nb//2) + backend.arange(Nb,
T = (mu * backend.abs(alf) < .5 * Nb * dB / delta) & \
(backend.abs(alf) < .5 * Nb)
indexes = backend.argwhere(T.reshape((-1,))).reshape((-1,))
xi = ((2. * math.pi * alf) / (Nb * dB)).reshape((1,-1))
# compute irregular frequency nodes
x = -((delta * fgrad[0]).reshape((-1,1)) * xi).reshape((-1,))[indexes]
y = -((delta * fgrad[1]).reshape((-1,1)) * xi).reshape((-1,))[indexes]
# compute output dictionary and return
nodes = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'indexes': indexes, 'rfft_mode': rfft_mode}
return nodes
def proj2d(u, delta, B, h, fgrad, backend=None, eps=1e-06,
rfft_mode=True, nodes=None, notest=False):
"""Compute EPR projections of a 2D image (adjoint of the backproj2d operation).
u : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two-dimensional array corresponding to the input 2D image to
be projected.
delta : float
Pixel size given in a length unit denoted below as
`[length-unit]` (can be `centimeter (cm)`, `millimeter (mm)`,
B : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array corresponding to the homogeneous
magnetic field sampling grid, with unit denoted below as
`[B-unit]` (can be `Gauss (G)`, `millitesla (mT)`, ...), to
use to compute the projections.
**WARNING**: this function assumes that the range covered by
`B` is large enough so that the computed EPR projections are
fully supported by `B`. Using a too small range for `B` will
result in unrealistic projections due to B-domain aliasing
h : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array with same length as `B` corresponding to
the reference spectrum sampled over the grid `B`.
fgrad : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two dimensional array with shape ``(2, fgrad.shape[1])`` such
that ``fgrad[:,k]`` corresponds to the (X,Y) coordinates of
the field gradient vector associated to the k-th EPR
projection to be computed.
The physical unit of the field gradient should be consistent
with that of `B` and delta, i.e., `fgrad` must be provided in
`[B-unit] / [length-unit]` (e.g., `G/cm`, `mT/cm`, ...).
backend : <class 'pyepri.backends.Backend'> or None, optional
A numpy, cupy or torch backend (see :py:mod:`pyepri.backends`
When backend is None, a default backend is inferred from the
input arrays ``(u, B, h, fgrad)``.
eps : float, optional
Precision requested (>1e-16).
rfft_mode : bool, optional
The EPR projections are evaluated in the frequency domain
(through their discrete Fourier coefficients) before being
transformed back to the B-domain. Set ``rfft_mode=True`` to
enable real FFT mode (only half of the Fourier coefficients
will be computed to speed-up computation and reduce memory
usage). Otherwise, use ``rfft_mode=False``, to enable standard
(complex) FFT mode and compute all the Fourier coefficients.
nodes : dict, optional
Precomputed frequency nodes used to evaluate the output
projections. If not given, `nodes` will be automatically
inferred from `B`, `delta` and `fgrad` using
notest : bool, optional
Set ``notest=True`` to disable consistency checks.
out : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Output array with shape ``(Nproj, len(B))`` (where ``Nproj =
fgrad.shape[1]`` corresponds to the number of computed
projections) such that ``out[k,:]`` corresponds the EPR
projection of u with field gradient ``fgrad[:,k]`` sampled
over the grid `B`.
See also
# backend inference (if necessary)
if backend is None:
backend = checks._backend_inference_(u=u, B=B, h=h, fgrad=fgrad)
# consistency checks
if not notest:
_check_nd_inputs_(2, B, delta, fgrad, backend, u=u, h=h,
eps=eps, nodes=nodes, rfft_mode=rfft_mode)
# compute EPR projections in Fourier domain and apply inverse DFT
# to get the projections in B-domain
if rfft_mode:
rfft_h = backend.rfft(h)
proj_rfft = proj2d_rfft(u, delta, B, rfft_h, fgrad,
backend=backend, eps=eps, nodes=nodes,
out = backend.irfft(proj_rfft, n=len(B), dim=-1)
fft_h = backend.fft(h)
proj_fft = proj2d_fft(u, delta, B, fft_h, fgrad,
backend=backend, eps=eps, nodes=nodes,
out = backend.ifft(proj_fft, n=len(B), dim=-1).real
return out
def proj2d_fft(u, delta, B, fft_h, fgrad, backend=None, eps=1e-06,
out=None, nodes=None, notest=False):
"""Compute EPR projections of a 2D image (output in Fourier domain).
u : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two-dimensional array corresponding to the input 2D image to
be projected.
delta : float
Pixel size given in a length unit denoted below as
`[length-unit]` (can be `centimeter (cm)`, `millimeter (mm)`,
B : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array corresponding to the homogeneous
magnetic field sampling grid, with unit denoted below as
`[B-unit]` (can be `Gauss (G)`, `millitesla (mT)`, ...), to
use to compute the projections.
**WARNING**: this function assumes that the range covered by `B`
is large enough so that the computed EPR projections are fully
supported by `B`. Using a too small range for `B` will result
in unrealistic projections due to B-domain aliasing phenomena.
fft_h : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array with length ``len(B)`` containing the
discrete Fourier coefficients of the reference spectrum
sampled over `B`.
fgrad : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two dimensional array with shape ``(2, fgrad.shape[1])`` such
that ``fgrad[:,k]`` corresponds to the (X,Y) coordinates of
the field gradient vector associated to the k-th EPR
projection to be computed.
The physical unit of the field gradient should be consistent
with that of `B` and delta, i.e., `fgrad` must be provided in
`[B-unit] / [length-unit]` (e.g., `G/cm`, `mT/cm`, ...).
backend : <class 'pyepri.backends.Backend'> or None, optional
A numpy, cupy or torch backend (see :py:mod:`pyepri.backends`
When backend is None, a default backend is inferred from the
input arrays ``(u, B, rfft_h, fgrad)``.
eps : float, optional
Precision requested (>1e-16).
out : array_like (with type `backend.cls`), optional
Preallocated output complex array with shape
``(fgrad.shape[1], len(B))``.
nodes : dict, optional
Precomputed frequency nodes used to evaluate the output
projections. If not given, `nodes` will be automatically
inferred from `B`, `delta` and `fgrad` using
notest : bool, optional
Set ``notest=True`` to disable consistency checks.
out : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Output array with shape ``(Nproj, len(B))`` (where ``Nproj =
fgrad.shape[1]`` corresponds to the number of computed
projections) such that ``out[k,:]`` contains the discrete
Fourier coefficients of the EPR projection of `u` with field
gradient ``fgrad[:,k]``.
See also
# backend inference (if necessary)
if backend is None:
backend = checks._backend_inference_(u=u, B=B, fft_h=fft_h,
# consistency checks
if not notest:
_check_nd_inputs_(2, B, delta, fgrad, backend, u=u,
nodes=nodes, eps=eps, rfft_mode=False,
out_proj=out, fft_h=fft_h)
# retrieve signals dimensions and datatype
Nb = len(B) # number of points per projection
Nproj = fgrad.shape[1] # number of projections
# retrieve complex data type in str format
cdtype = backend.lib_to_str_dtypes[fft_h.dtype]
# memory allocation
if out is None:
out = backend.zeros([Nproj, Nb], dtype=cdtype)
# compute irregular frequency nodes (if not provided as input)
if nodes is None:
nodes = compute_2d_frequency_nodes(B, delta, fgrad,
# fill output's non-zero discrete Fourier coefficients (notice
# that the switch between x and y axis in the nufft2d function
# below is made on purpose for compliance with standard image
# processing axes ordering (axis 0 is the vertical axis (y) and
# axis 1 is the horizontal one (x)))
u_cplx = backend.cast(u, cdtype)
x, y, indexes = nodes['x'], nodes['y'], nodes['indexes']
out.reshape((-1,))[indexes] = backend.nufft2d(y, x, u_cplx, eps=eps)
out *= (delta**2 * fft_h)
return out
def proj2d_rfft(u, delta, B, rfft_h, fgrad, backend=None, eps=1e-06,
out=None, nodes=None, notest=False):
"""Compute EPR projections of a 2D image (output in Fourier domain, half of the full spectrum).
u : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two-dimensional array corresponding to the input 2D image to
be projected.
delta : float
Pixel size given in a length unit denoted below as
`[length-unit]` (can be `centimeter (cm)`, `millimeter (mm)`,
B : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array corresponding to the homogeneous
magnetic field sampling grid, with unit denoted below as
`[B-unit]` (can be `Gauss (G)`, `millitesla (mT)`, ...), to
use to compute the projections.
**WARNING**: this function assumes that the range covered by `B`
is large enough so that the computed EPR projections are fully
supported by `B`. Using a too small range for `B` will result
in unrealistic projections due to B-domain aliasing phenomena.
rfft_h : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array with length ``1+len(B)//2`` containing
half of the discrete Fourier coefficients of the reference
spectrum sampled over `B` (corresponds to the signal computed
using the real input fft (rfft) of the reference spectrum).
fgrad : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two dimensional array with shape ``(2, fgrad.shape[1])`` such
that ``fgrad[:,k]`` corresponds to the (X,Y) coordinates of
the field gradient vector associated to the k-th EPR
projection to be computed.
The physical unit of the field gradient should be consistent
with that of `B` and delta, i.e., `fgrad` must be provided in
`[B-unit] / [length-unit]` (e.g., `G/cm`, `mT/cm`, ...).
backend : <class 'pyepri.backends.Backend'> or None, optional
A numpy, cupy or torch backend (see :py:mod:`pyepri.backends`
When backend is None, a default backend is inferred from the
input arrays ``(u, B, rfft_h, fgrad)``.
eps : float, optional
Precision requested (>1e-16).
out : array_like (with type `backend.cls`), optional
Preallocated output array with shape ``(fgrad.shape[1], 1 +
nodes : dict, optional
Precomputed frequency nodes used to evaluate the output
projections. If not given, `nodes` will be automatically
inferred from `B`, `delta` and `fgrad` using
notest : bool, optional
Set ``notest=True`` to disable consistency checks.
out : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Output array with shape ``(Nproj, 1+len(B)//2)`` (where
``Nproj = fgrad.shape[1]`` corresponds to the number of
computed projections) such that ``out[k,:]`` corresponds to
half of the discrete Fourier coefficients of the EPR
projection of `u` with field gradient ``fgrad[:,k]``.
See also
# backend inference (if necessary)
if backend is None:
backend = checks._backend_inference_(u=u, B=B, rfft_h=rfft_h,
# consistency checks
if not notest:
_check_nd_inputs_(2, B, delta, fgrad, backend, u=u,
nodes=nodes, eps=eps, rfft_mode=True,
out_proj=out, rfft_h=rfft_h)
# retrieve signals dimensions and datatype
Nb = len(B) # number of points per projection
Nproj = fgrad.shape[1] # number of projections
# retrieve complex data type in str format
cdtype = backend.lib_to_str_dtypes[rfft_h.dtype]
# memory allocation
if out is None:
out = backend.zeros([Nproj, 1 + Nb//2], dtype=cdtype)
# compute irregular frequency nodes (if not provided as input)
if nodes is None:
nodes = compute_2d_frequency_nodes(B, delta, fgrad,
# fill output's non-zero discrete Fourier coefficients (notice
# that the switch between x and y axis in the nufft2d function
# below is made on purpose for compliance with standard image
# processing axes ordering (axis 0 is the vertical axis (y) and
# axis 1 is the horizontal one (x)))
u_cplx = backend.cast(u, cdtype)
x, y, indexes = nodes['x'], nodes['y'], nodes['indexes']
out.reshape((-1,))[indexes] = backend.nufft2d(y, x, u_cplx, eps=eps)
out *= (delta**2 * rfft_h)
return out
def backproj2d(proj, delta, B, h, fgrad, out_shape, backend=None,
eps=1e-06, rfft_mode=True, nodes=None, notest=False):
"""Perform EPR backprojection from 2D EPR projections (adjoint of the proj2d operation).
proj : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two-dimensional array with shape ``(Nproj, len(B))`` (where
``Nproj = fgrad.shape[1]``) such that ``proj[k,:]``
corresponds to the k-th EPR projection (acquired with field
gradient ``fgrad[:,k]`` and sampled over the grid `B`).
delta : float
Pixel size given in a length unit denoted below as
`[length-unit]` (can be `centimeter (cm)`, `millimeter (mm)`,
B : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array corresponding to the homogeneous
magnetic field sampling grid, with unit denoted below as
`[B-unit]` (can be `Gauss (G)`, `millitesla (mT)`, ...), to
use to compute the projections.
h : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array with same length as `B` corresponding to
the reference spectrum sampled over the grid `B`.
fgrad : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two dimensional array with shape ``(2, fgrad.shape[1])`` such
that ``fgrad[:,k]`` corresponds to the (X,Y) coordinates of
the field gradient vector associated to the k-th EPR
projection to be computed.
The physical unit of the field gradient should be consistent
with that of `B` and delta, i.e., `fgrad` must be provided in
`[B-unit] / [length-unit]` (e.g., `G/cm`, `mT/cm`, ...).
out_shape : integer or integer tuple of length 2
Shape of the output image `out_shape = out.shape = (N1, N2)`
(or `out_shape = N` when N1 = N2 = N).
backend : <class 'pyepri.backends.Backend'> or None, optional
A numpy, cupy or torch backend (see :py:mod:`pyepri.backends`
When backend is None, a default backend is inferred from the
input arrays ``(proj, B, h, fgrad)``.
eps : float, optional
Precision requested (>1e-16).
rfft_mode : bool, optional
The backprojection process involves the computation of
discrete Fourier coefficients of the input projections. Set
``rfft_mode=True`` to enable real FFT mode (only half of the
Fourier coefficients will be computed to speed-up computation
and reduce memory usage). Otherwise, use ``rfft_mode=False``,
to enable standard (complex) FFT mode and compute all the
Fourier coefficients.
nodes : dict, optional
Precomputed frequency nodes associated to the input
projections. If not given, `nodes` will be automatically
inferred from `B`, `delta` and `fgrad` using
notest : bool, optional
Set ``notest=True`` to disable consistency checks.
out : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
A two-dimensional array with specified shape corresponding to
the backprojected image.
See also
# backend inference (if necessary)
if backend is None:
backend = checks._backend_inference_(proj=proj, B=B, h=h,
# consistency checks
if not notest:
_check_nd_inputs_(2, B, delta, fgrad, backend, h=h, proj=proj,
eps=eps, nodes=nodes, rfft_mode=rfft_mode,
# perform backprojection
if rfft_mode:
rfft_proj = backend.rfft(proj)
rfft_h_conj = backend.rfft(h).conj()
out = backproj2d_rfft(rfft_proj, delta, B, rfft_h_conj, fgrad,
backend=backend, eps=eps,
out_shape=out_shape, nodes=nodes,
fft_proj = backend.fft(proj)
fft_h_conj = backend.fft(h).conj()
out = backproj2d_fft(fft_proj, delta, B, fft_h_conj, fgrad,
backend=backend, eps=eps,
out_shape=out_shape, nodes=nodes,
return out.real
def backproj2d_fft(fft_proj, delta, B, fft_h_conj, fgrad,
backend=None, out_shape=None, out=None, eps=1e-06,
nodes=None, notest=False):
"""Perform EPR backprojection from 2D EPR projections provided in Fourier domain.
fft_proj : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two-dimensional array with shape ``(Nproj, len(B))`` (where
``Nproj = fgrad.shape[1]``) containing the EPR projections in
Fourier domain.
More precisely, ``fft_proj[k,:]`` corresponds to the FFT of
the k-th EPR projection (acquired with field gradient
``fgrad[:,k]`` and sampled over the grid `B`).
delta : float
Pixel size given in a length unit denoted below as
`[length-unit]` (can be `centimeter (cm)`, `millimeter (mm)`,
B : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array corresponding to the homogeneous
magnetic field sampling grid, with unit denoted below as
`[B-unit]` (can be `Gauss (G)`, `millitesla (mT)`, ...), to
use to compute the projections.
fft_h_conj : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array with length ``len(B)`` containing
the conjugate of half of the discrete Fourier coefficients of
the reference spectrum sampled over `B`.
fgrad : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two dimensional array with shape ``(2, fgrad.shape[1])`` such
that ``fgrad[:,k]`` corresponds to the (X,Y) coordinates of
the field gradient vector associated to the k-th EPR
projection to be computed.
The physical unit of the field gradient should be consistent
with that of `B` and delta, i.e., `fgrad` must be provided in
`[B-unit] / [length-unit]` (e.g., `G/cm`, `mT/cm`, ...).
backend : <class 'pyepri.backends.Backend'> or None, optional
A numpy, cupy or torch backend (see :py:mod:`pyepri.backends`
When backend is None, a default backend is inferred from the
input arrays ``(fft_proj, B, fft_h_conj, fgrad)``.
out_shape : integer or integer tuple of length 2, optional
Shape of the output image `out_shape = out.shape = (N1, N2)`
(or `out_shape = N` when N1 = N2 = N). This optional input is
in fact mandatory when no preallocated array is given (i.e.,
when ``out=None``).
out : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`), optional
Preallocated output array with shape ``(N1, N2)`` and
**complex** data type. If `out_shape` is specifed, the shape
must match (i.e., we must have ``out.shape == out_shape``),
otherwise, `out_shape` is inferred from `out`.
eps : float, optional
Precision requested (>1e-16).
nodes : dict, optional
Precomputed frequency nodes associated to the input
projections. If not given, `nodes` will be automatically
inferred from `B`, `delta` and `fgrad` using
notest : bool, optional
Set ``notest=True`` to disable consistency checks.
out : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Backprojected image in complex format (imaginary part should
be close to zero and can be thrown away).
See also
# backend inference (if necessary)
if backend is None:
backend = checks._backend_inference_(fft_proj=fft_proj, B=B,
# consistency checks
if not notest:
_check_nd_inputs_(2, B, delta, fgrad, backend, nodes=nodes,
eps=eps, rfft_mode=False, out_im=out,
out_shape=out_shape, fft_h_conj=fft_h_conj,
# compute irregular frequency nodes (if not provided as input)
if nodes is None:
nodes = compute_2d_frequency_nodes(B, delta, fgrad,
# compute adjoint nufft (notice that the switch between x and y
# axis in the nufft2d_adjoint function below is made on purpose
# for compliance with standard image processing axes ordering
# (axis 0 is the vertical axis (y) and axis 1 is the horizontal
# one (x)))
x, y, indexes = nodes['x'], nodes['y'], nodes['indexes']
c = (fft_proj * fft_h_conj).reshape((-1,))[indexes]
out = backend.nufft2d_adjoint(y, x, c, n_modes=out_shape, out=out,
out *= delta**2 / float(len(B))
return out
def backproj2d_rfft(rfft_proj, delta, B, rfft_h_conj, fgrad,
backend=None, out_shape=None, out=None, eps=1e-06,
nodes=None, notest=False):
"""Perform EPR backprojection from 2D EPR projections provided in Fourier domain (half of the full spectrum).
rfft_proj : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two-dimensional array with shape ``(Nproj, 1+len(B)//2)``
(where ``Nproj = fgrad.shape[1]``) containing the EPR
projections in Fourier domain (half of the spectrum).
More precisely, ``rfft_proj[k,:]`` corresponds to the real FFT
(rfft) of the k-th EPR projection (acquired with field
gradient ``fgrad[:,k]`` and sampled over the grid `B`).
delta : float
Pixel size given in a length unit denoted below as
`[length-unit]` (can be `centimeter (cm)`, `millimeter (mm)`,
B : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array corresponding to the homogeneous
magnetic field sampling grid, with unit denoted below as
`[B-unit]` (can be `Gauss (G)`, `millitesla (mT)`, ...), to
use to compute the projections.
rfft_h_conj : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array with length ``1+len(B)//2`` containing
the conjugate of half of the discrete Fourier coefficients of
the reference spectrum sampled over `B` (corresponds to the
conjugate of the signal computed using the real input FFT
(rfft) of the reference spectrum).
fgrad : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two dimensional array with shape ``(2, fgrad.shape[1])`` such
that ``fgrad[:,k]`` corresponds to the (X,Y) coordinates of
the field gradient vector associated to the k-th EPR
projection to be computed.
The physical unit of the field gradient should be consistent
with that of `B` and delta, i.e., `fgrad` must be provided in
`[B-unit] / [length-unit]` (e.g., `G/cm`, `mT/cm`, ...).
backend : <class 'pyepri.backends.Backend'> or None, optional
A numpy, cupy or torch backend (see :py:mod:`pyepri.backends`
When backend is None, a default backend is inferred from the
input arrays ``(rfft_proj, B, rfft_h_conj, fgrad)``.
out_shape : integer or integer tuple of length 2, optional
Shape of the output image `out_shape = out.shape = (N1, N2)`
(or `out_shape = N` when N1 = N2 = N). This optional input is
in fact mandatory when no preallocated array is given (i.e.,
when ``out=None``).
out : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`), optional
Preallocated output array with shape ``(N1, N2)`` and
**complex** data type. If `out_shape` is specifed, the shape
must match (i.e., we must have ``out.shape == out_shape``),
otherwise, `out_shape` is inferred from `out`.
eps : float, optional
Precision requested (>1e-16).
nodes : dict, optional
Precomputed frequency nodes associated to the input
projections. If not given, `nodes` will be automatically
inferred from `B`, `delta` and `fgrad` using
notest : bool, optional
Set ``notest=True`` to disable consistency checks.
out : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Backprojected image in complex format (imaginary part should
be close to zero and can be thrown away).
See also
# backend inference (if necessary)
if backend is None:
backend = checks._backend_inference_(rfft_proj=rfft_proj, B=B,
# consistency checks
if not notest:
_check_nd_inputs_(2, B, delta, fgrad, backend, nodes=nodes,
eps=eps, rfft_mode=True, out_im=out,
# compute irregular frequency nodes (if not provided as input)
if nodes is None:
nodes = compute_2d_frequency_nodes(B, delta, fgrad,
# compute adjoint nufft (notice that the switch between x and y
# axis in the nufft2d_adjoint function below is made on purpose
# for compliance with standard image processing axes ordering
# (axis 0 is the vertical axis (y) and axis 1 is the horizontal
# one (x)))
x, y, indexes = nodes['x'], nodes['y'], nodes['indexes']
c = (rfft_proj * rfft_h_conj)
c[:,0] *= .5 # avoid counting two times the zero-frequency
# coefficients when completing the sum below
c = c.reshape((-1,))[indexes]
out = backend.nufft2d_adjoint(y, x, c, n_modes=out_shape, out=out, eps=eps)
out += out.conj() # complete the sum (the missing terms are the
# conjugate of the already computed terms)
out *= delta**2 / float(len(B))
return out
def compute_2d_toeplitz_kernel(B, h1, h2, delta, fgrad, out_shape,
backend=None, eps=1e-06,
rfft_mode=True, nodes=None,
return_rfft2=False, notest=False):
"""Compute 2D Toeplitz kernel allowing fast computation of a ``proj2d`` followed by a ``backproj2d`` operation.
B : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array corresponding to the homogeneous
magnetic field sampling grid, with unit denoted below as
`[B-unit]` (can be `Gauss (G)`, `millitesla (mT)`, ...), to
use to compute the projections.
h1 : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array with same length as `B` corresponding to
the reference spectrum involved in the forward (proj2d)
operation (and sampled over the grid `B`).
h2 : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array with same length as `B` corresponding to
the reference spectrum involved in the backward (backproj2d)
operation (and sampled over the grid `B`).
delta : float
Pixel size given in a length unit denoted below as
`[length-unit]` (can be `centimeter (cm)`, `millimeter (mm)`,
fgrad : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two dimensional array with shape ``(2, fgrad.shape[1])`` such
that ``fgrad[:,k]`` corresponds to the (X,Y) coordinates of
the field gradient vector associated to the k-th EPR
projection to be computed.
The physical unit of the field gradient should be consistent
with that of `B` and delta, i.e., `fgrad` must be provided in
`[B-unit] / [length-unit]` (e.g., `G/cm`, `mT/cm`, ...).
backend : <class 'pyepri.backends.Backend'> or None, optional
A numpy, cupy or torch backend (see :py:mod:`pyepri.backends`
When backend is None, a default backend is inferred from the
input array ``(B, h1, h2, fgrad)``.
out_shape : integer or integer tuple of length 2
Shape of the output kernel ``out_shape = phi.shape = (M1,
M2)``. The kernel shape should be twice the EPR image shape
(i.e., denoting by `(N1, N2)` the shape of the EPR image, we
should have ``(M1, M2) = (2*N1, 2*N2)``).
eps : float, optional
Precision requested (>1e-16).
rfft_mode : bool, optional
The computation of the Toeplitz kernel involves the
computation of discrete Fourier coefficients of real-valued
signals. Set ``rfft_mode=True`` to enable real FFT mode
(speed-up the computation and reduce memory usage). Otherwise,
use ``rfft_mode=False``, to enable standard (complex) FFT
nodes : dict, optional
Precomputed frequency nodes used to evaluate the output
kernel. If not given, `nodes` will be automatically inferred
from `B`, `delta` and `fgrad` using
return_rfft2: bool, optional
Set ``return_rfft2`` to return the real input FFT (rfft2) of
the computed two-dimensional kernel (instead of the kernel
notest : bool, optional
Set ``notest=True`` to disable consistency checks.
phi : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Computed Toeplitz kernel (or its two-dimensional real input
FFT when ``return_rfft2 is True``).
See also
# backend inference (if necessary)
if backend is None:
backend = checks._backend_inference_(B=B, h1=h1, h2=h2,
# consistency checks
if not notest:
_check_nd_inputs_(2, B, delta, fgrad, backend, h1=h1, h2=h2,
nodes=nodes, eps=eps, out_shape=out_shape,
# compute irregular frequency nodes (if not provided as input)
if nodes is None:
nodes = compute_2d_frequency_nodes(B, delta, fgrad,
# retrieve complex data type
dtype = backend.lib_to_str_dtypes[B.dtype]
cdtype = backend.mapping_to_complex_dtypes[dtype]
# compute kernel (notice that the switch between x and y axis in
# the nufft2d_adjoint function below is made on purpose for
# compliance with standard image processing axes ordering (axis 0
# is the vertical axis (y) and axis 1 is the horizontal one (x)))
x, y, indexes = nodes['x'], nodes['y'], nodes['indexes']
if rfft_mode:
g = backend.rfft(h1)
g *= backend.rfft(h2).conj()
c = backend.tile(g.reshape((1,-1)), (fgrad.shape[1], 1))
c[:,0] *= .5 # avoid counting two times the zero-frequency
# coefficients when completing the sum below
c = c.reshape((-1,))[nodes['indexes']]
phi = backend.nufft2d_adjoint(y, x, c, n_modes=out_shape,
phi += phi.conj() # complete the sum (the missing terms are
# the conjugate of those computed above)
g = backend.fft(h1).reshape((1,-1))
g *= backend.fft(h2).conj().reshape((1,-1))
c = backend.tile(g, (fgrad.shape[1], 1)).reshape((-1,))[indexes]
phi = backend.nufft2d_adjoint(y, x, c, n_modes=out_shape,
phi *= delta**4 / float(len(B))
return backend.rfft2(phi.real) if return_rfft2 else phi.real
def apply_2d_toeplitz_kernel(u, rfft2_phi, backend=None, notest=False):
"""Perform a ``proj2d`` followed by a ``backproj2d`` operation using a precomputed Toeplitz kernel provided in Fourier domain.
u : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two-dimensional array corresponding to the input 2D image to
be projected-backprojected.
rfft2_phi : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
real input FFT of the 2D Toeplitz kernel computed using
backend : <class 'pyepri.backends.Backend'> or None, optional
A numpy, cupy or torch backend (see :py:mod:`pyepri.backends`
When backend is None, a default backend is inferred from the
input arrays ``(u, rfft2_phi)``.
notest : bool, optional
Set ``notest=True`` to disable consistency checks.
out : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
output projected-backprojected image.
See also
# backend inference (if necessary)
if backend is None:
backend = checks._backend_inference_(u=u, rfft2_phi=rfft2_phi)
# consistency checks
if not notest:
checks._check_backend_(backend, u=u, rfft2_phi=rfft2_phi)
checks._check_ndim_(2, u=u, rfft2_phi=rfft2_phi)
cdtype = backend.str_to_lib_dtypes[backend.mapping_to_complex_dtypes[backend.lib_to_str_dtypes[u.dtype]]]
checks._check_dtype_(cdtype, rfft2_phi=rfft2_phi)
# compute shape of the extended domain
Ny, Nx = u.shape
s = (2 * Ny, 2 * Nx)
# compute & return output image
return backend.irfft2(rfft2_phi * backend.rfft2(u, s=s),
s=s)[Ny::, Nx::]
def compute_3d_frequency_nodes(B, delta, fgrad, backend=None,
rfft_mode=True, notest=False):
"""Compute 3D irregular frequency nodes involved in 3D projection & backprojection operations.
B : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array corresponding to the homogeneous
magnetic field sampling grid, with unit denoted below as
`[B-unit]` (can be `Gauss (G)`, `millitesla (mT)`, ...), to
use to compute the projections.
delta : float
Pixel size given in a length unit denoted below as
`[length-unit]` (can be `centimeter (cm)`, `millimeter (mm)`,
fgrad : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Three dimensional array with shape ``(3, fgrad.shape[1])``
such that ``fgrad[:,k]`` corresponds to the (X,Y,Z)
coordinates of the field gradient vector associated to the
k-th EPR projection to be computed.
The physical unit of the field gradient should be consistent
with that of `B` and delta, i.e., `fgrad` must be provided in
`[B-unit] / [length-unit]` (e.g., `G/cm`, `mT/cm`, ...).
backend : <class 'pyepri.backends.Backend'> or None, optional
A numpy, cupy or torch backend (see :py:mod:`pyepri.backends`
When backend is None, a default backend is inferred from the
input arrays ``(B, fgrad)``.
rfft_mode : bool, optional
Set ``rfft_mode=True`` to compute only half of the frequency
nodes (to be combined with the use of real FFT functions in
further processing). Otherwise, set ``rfft_mode=False`` to
compute all frequency nodes (to be combined with the use of
complex FFT functions in further processing).
notest : bool, optional
Set ``notest=True`` to disable consistency checks.
nodes : dict
A dictionary with content ``{'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z,
'indexes': indexes, 'rfft_mode': rfft_mode}`` where
+ ``x`` is a one dimensional array containing the frequency
nodes along the X-axis;
+ ``y`` is a one dimensional array, with same length as ``x``,
containing the frequency nodes along the Y-axis;
+ ``z`` is a one dimensional array, with same length as ``x``,
containing the frequency nodes along the Z-axis;
+ ``indexes`` is a one dimensional array, with same length as
``x``, corresponding to the indexes where should be dispatched
the computed Fourier coefficients in the rfft of the 3D
+ ``rfft_mode`` a bool specifying whether the frequency nodes
cover half of the frequency domain (``rfft_mode=True``) or the
full frequency domain (``rfft_mode=False``).
See also
# backend inference (if necessary)
if backend is None:
backend = checks._backend_inference_(B=B, fgrad=fgrad)
# consistency checks
if not notest:
_check_nd_inputs_(3, B, delta, fgrad, backend,
# retrieve several constant (`dB` = sampling step of the
# homogeneous magnetic grid, `mu` = field gradient amplitudes)
Nb = len(B)
dB = B[1] - B[0]
mu = backend.sqrt((fgrad**2).sum(0)).reshape((-1,1))
# retrieve standardized data type in str format
dtype = backend.lib_to_str_dtypes[B.dtype]
# compute regular frequency nodes & find indexes of nonzero output
# frequencies
if rfft_mode:
alf = backend.arange(1 + Nb//2, dtype=dtype)
T = (mu * alf < .5 * Nb * dB / delta) & (alf < .5 * Nb)
alf = backend.ifftshift(-(Nb//2) + backend.arange(Nb,
T = (mu * backend.abs(alf) < .5 * Nb * dB / delta) & \
(backend.abs(alf) < .5 * Nb)
indexes = backend.argwhere(T.reshape((-1,))).reshape((-1,))
xi = ((2. * math.pi * alf) / (Nb * dB)).reshape((1,-1))
# compute irregular frequency nodes
x = -((delta * fgrad[0]).reshape((-1,1)) * xi).reshape((-1,))[indexes]
y = -((delta * fgrad[1]).reshape((-1,1)) * xi).reshape((-1,))[indexes]
z = -((delta * fgrad[2]).reshape((-1,1)) * xi).reshape((-1,))[indexes]
# compute output dictionary and return
nodes = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z, 'indexes': indexes, 'rfft_mode':
return nodes
def proj3d(u, delta, B, h, fgrad, backend=None, eps=1e-06,
rfft_mode=True, nodes=None, notest=False):
"""Compute EPR projections of a 3D image (adjoint of the backproj3d operation).
u : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Three-dimensional array corresponding to the input 3D image to
be projected.
delta : float
Pixel size given in a length unit denoted below as
`[length-unit]` (can be `centimeter (cm)`, `millimeter (mm)`,
B : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array corresponding to the homogeneous
magnetic field sampling grid, with unit denoted below as
`[B-unit]` (can be `Gauss (G)`, `millitesla (mT)`, ...), to
use to compute the projections.
**WARNING**: this function assumes that the range covered by
`B` is large enough so that the computed EPR projections are
fully supported by `B`. Using a too small range for `B` will
result in unrealistic projections due to B-domain aliasing
h : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array with same length as `B` corresponding to
the reference spectrum sampled over the grid `B`.
fgrad : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two dimensional array with shape ``(3, fgrad.shape[1])`` such
that ``fgrad[:,k]`` corresponds to the (X,Y,Z) coordinates of
the field gradient vector associated to the k-th EPR
projection to be computed.
The physical unit of the field gradient should be consistent
with that of `B` and delta, i.e., `fgrad` must be provided in
`[B-unit] / [length-unit]` (e.g., `G/cm`, `mT/cm`, ...).
backend : <class 'pyepri.backends.Backend'> or None, optional
A numpy, cupy or torch backend (see :py:mod:`pyepri.backends`
When backend is None, a default backend is inferred from the
input arrays ``(u, B, h, fgrad)``.
eps : float, optional
Precision requested (>1e-16).
rfft_mode : bool, optional
The EPR projections are evaluated in the frequency domain
(through their discrete Fourier coefficients) before being
transformed back to the B-domain. Set ``rfft_mode=True`` to
enable real FFT mode (only half of the Fourier coefficients
will be computed to speed-up computation and reduce memory
usage). Otherwise, use ``rfft_mode=False``, to enable standard
(complex) FFT mode and compute all the Fourier coefficients.
nodes : dict, optional
Precomputed frequency nodes used to evaluate the output
projections. If not given, `nodes` will be automatically
inferred from `B`, `delta` and `fgrad` using
notest : bool, optional
Set ``notest=True`` to disable consistency checks.
out : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Output array with shape ``(Nproj, len(B))`` (where ``Nproj =
fgrad.shape[1]`` corresponds to the number of computed
projections) such that ``out[k,:]`` corresponds the EPR
projection of u with field gradient ``fgrad[:,k]`` sampled
over the grid `B`.
See also
# backend inference (if necessary)
if backend is None:
backend = checks._backend_inference_(u=u, B=B, fgrad=fgrad,
# consistency checks
if not notest:
_check_nd_inputs_(3, B, delta, fgrad, backend, u=u, h=h,
eps=eps, nodes=nodes, rfft_mode=rfft_mode)
# compute EPR projections in Fourier domain and apply inverse DFT
# to get the projections in B-domain
if rfft_mode:
rfft_h = backend.rfft(h)
proj_rfft = proj3d_rfft(u, delta, B, rfft_h, fgrad,
backend=backend, eps=eps, nodes=nodes,
out = backend.irfft(proj_rfft, n=len(B), dim=-1)
fft_h = backend.fft(h)
proj_fft = proj3d_fft(u, delta, B, fft_h, fgrad,
backend=backend, eps=eps, nodes=nodes,
out = backend.ifft(proj_fft, n=len(B), dim=-1).real
return out
def proj3d_fft(u, delta, B, fft_h, fgrad, backend=None, eps=1e-06,
out=None, nodes=None, notest=False):
"""Compute EPR projections of a 3D image (output in Fourier domain).
u : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Three-dimensional array corresponding to the input 2D image to
be projected.
delta : float
Pixel size given in a length unit denoted below as
`[length-unit]` (can be `centimeter (cm)`, `millimeter (mm)`,
B : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array corresponding to the homogeneous
magnetic field sampling grid, with unit denoted below as
`[B-unit]` (can be `Gauss (G)`, `millitesla (mT)`, ...), to
use to compute the projections.
**WARNING**: this function assumes that the range covered by `B`
is large enough so that the computed EPR projections are fully
supported by `B`. Using a too small range for `B` will result
in unrealistic projections due to B-domain aliasing phenomena.
fft_h : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array with length ``len(B)`` containing the
discrete Fourier coefficients of the reference spectrum
sampled over `B`.
fgrad : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two dimensional array with shape ``(3, fgrad.shape[1])`` such
that ``fgrad[:,k]`` corresponds to the (X,Y,Z) coordinates of
the field gradient vector associated to the k-th EPR
projection to be computed.
The physical unit of the field gradient should be consistent
with that of `B` and delta, i.e., `fgrad` must be provided in
`[B-unit] / [length-unit]` (e.g., `G/cm`, `mT/cm`, ...).
backend : <class 'pyepri.backends.Backend'> or None, optional
A numpy, cupy or torch backend (see :py:mod:`pyepri.backends`
When backend is None, a default backend is inferred from the
input arrays ``(u, B, fft_h, fgrad)``.
eps : float, optional
Precision requested (>1e-16).
out : array_like (with type `backend.cls`), optional
Preallocated output complex array with shape
``(fgrad.shape[1], len(B))``.
nodes : dict, optional
Precomputed frequency nodes used to evaluate the output
projections. If not given, `nodes` will be automatically
inferred from `B`, `delta` and `fgrad` using
notest : bool, optional
Set ``notest=True`` to disable consistency checks.
out : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Output array with shape ``(Nproj, len(B))`` (where ``Nproj =
fgrad.shape[1]`` corresponds to the number of computed
projections) such that ``out[k,:]`` contains the discrete
Fourier coefficients of the EPR projection of `u` with field
gradient ``fgrad[:,k]``.
See also
# backend inference (if necessary)
if backend is None:
backend = checks._backend_inference_(u=u, B=B, fft_h=fft_h,
# consistency checks
if not notest:
_check_nd_inputs_(3, B, delta, fgrad, backend, u=u,
nodes=nodes, eps=eps, rfft_mode=False,
out_proj=out, fft_h=fft_h)
# retrieve signals dimensions and datatype
Nb = len(B) # number of points per projection
Nproj = fgrad.shape[1] # number of projections
# retrieve complex data type in str format
cdtype = backend.lib_to_str_dtypes[fft_h.dtype]
# memory allocation
if out is None:
out = backend.zeros([Nproj, Nb], dtype=cdtype)
# compute irregular frequency nodes (if not provided as input)
if nodes is None:
nodes = compute_3d_frequency_nodes(B, delta, fgrad,
# fill output's non-zero discrete Fourier coefficients (notice
# that the switch between x and y axis in the nufft3d function
# below is made on purpose for compliance with standard image
# processing axes ordering (axis 0 is the Y-axis, axis 1 is the
# X-axis and axis 2 is the Z axis)
u_cplx = backend.cast(u, cdtype)
x, y, z = nodes['x'], nodes['y'], nodes['z']
indexes = nodes['indexes']
out.reshape((-1,))[indexes] = backend.nufft3d(y, x, z, u_cplx, eps=eps)
out *= (delta**3 * fft_h)
return out
def proj3d_rfft(u, delta, B, rfft_h, fgrad, backend=None, eps=1e-06,
out=None, nodes=None, notest=False):
"""Compute EPR projections of a 3D image (output in Fourier domain, half of the full spectrum).
u : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Three-dimensional array corresponding to the input 2D image to
be projected.
delta : float
Pixel size given in a length unit denoted below as
`[length-unit]` (can be `centimeter (cm)`, `millimeter (mm)`,
B : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array corresponding to the homogeneous
magnetic field sampling grid, with unit denoted below as
`[B-unit]` (can be `Gauss (G)`, `millitesla (mT)`, ...), to
use to compute the projections.
**WARNING**: this function assumes that the range covered by `B`
is large enough so that the computed EPR projections are fully
supported by `B`. Using a too small range for `B` will result
in unrealistic projections due to B-domain aliasing phenomena.
rfft_h : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array with length ``1+len(B)//2`` containing
half of the discrete Fourier coefficients of the reference
spectrum sampled over `B` (corresponds to the signal computed
using the real input fft (rfft) of the reference spectrum).
fgrad : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two dimensional array with shape ``(3, fgrad.shape[1])`` such
that ``fgrad[:,k]`` corresponds to the (X,Y,Z) coordinates of
the field gradient vector associated to the k-th EPR
projection to be computed.
The physical unit of the field gradient should be consistent
with that of `B` and delta, i.e., `fgrad` must be provided in
`[B-unit] / [length-unit]` (e.g., `G/cm`, `mT/cm`, ...).
backend : <class 'pyepri.backends.Backend'> or None, optional
A numpy, cupy or torch backend (see :py:mod:`pyepri.backends`
When backend is None, a default backend is inferred from the
input arrays ``(u, B, rfft_h, fgrad)``.
eps : float, optional
Precision requested (>1e-16).
out : array_like (with type `backend.cls`), optional
Preallocated output array with shape ``(fgrad.shape[1], 1 +
nodes : dict, optional
Precomputed frequency nodes used to evaluate the output
projections. If not given, `nodes` will be automatically
inferred from `B`, `delta` and `fgrad` using
notest : bool, optional
Set ``notest=True`` to disable consistency checks.
out : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Output array with shape ``(Nproj, 1+len(B)//2)`` (where
``Nproj = fgrad.shape[1]`` corresponds to the number of
computed projections) such that ``out[k,:]`` corresponds to
half of the discrete Fourier coefficients of the EPR
projection of `u` with field gradient ``fgrad[:,k]``.
See also
# backend inference (if necessary)
if backend is None:
backend = checks._backend_inference_(u=u, B=B, rfft_h=rfft_h,
# consistency checks
if not notest:
_check_nd_inputs_(3, B, delta, fgrad, backend, u=u,
nodes=nodes, eps=eps, rfft_mode=True,
out_proj=out, rfft_h=rfft_h)
# retrieve signals dimensions and datatype
Nb = len(B) # number of points per projection
Nproj = fgrad.shape[1] # number of projections
# retrieve complex data type in str format
cdtype = backend.lib_to_str_dtypes[rfft_h.dtype]
# memory allocation
if out is None:
out = backend.zeros([Nproj, 1 + Nb//2], dtype=cdtype)
# compute irregular frequency nodes (if not provided as input)
if nodes is None:
nodes = compute_3d_frequency_nodes(B, delta, fgrad,
# fill output's non-zero discrete Fourier coefficients (notice
# that the switch between x and y axis in the nufft3d function
# below is made on purpose for compliance with standard image
# processing axes ordering (axis 0 is the Y-axis, axis 1 is the
# X-axis and axis 2 is the Z axis)
u_cplx = backend.cast(u, cdtype)
x, y, z = nodes['x'], nodes['y'], nodes['z']
indexes = nodes['indexes']
out.reshape((-1,))[indexes] = backend.nufft3d(y, x, z, u_cplx, eps=eps)
out *= (delta**3 * rfft_h)
return out
def backproj3d(proj, delta, B, h, fgrad, out_shape, backend=None,
eps=1e-06, rfft_mode=True, nodes=None, notest=False):
"""Perform EPR backprojection from 3D EPR projections (adjoint of the proj3d operation).
proj : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two-dimensional array with shape ``(Nproj, len(B))`` (where
``Nproj = fgrad.shape[1]``) such that ``proj[k,:]``
corresponds to the k-th EPR projection (acquired with field
gradient ``fgrad[:,k]`` and sampled over the grid `B`).
delta : float
Pixel size given in a length unit denoted below as
`[length-unit]` (can be `centimeter (cm)`, `millimeter (mm)`,
B : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array corresponding to the homogeneous
magnetic field sampling grid, with unit denoted below as
`[B-unit]` (can be `Gauss (G)`, `millitesla (mT)`, ...), to
use to compute the projections.
h : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array with same length as `B` corresponding to
the reference spectrum sampled over the grid `B`.
fgrad : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two dimensional array with shape ``(3, fgrad.shape[1])`` such
that ``fgrad[:,k]`` corresponds to the (X,Y,Z) coordinates of
the field gradient vector associated to the k-th EPR
projection to be computed.
The physical unit of the field gradient should be consistent
with that of `B` and delta, i.e., `fgrad` must be provided in
`[B-unit] / [length-unit]` (e.g., `G/cm`, `mT/cm`, ...).
out_shape : integer or integer tuple of length 3
Shape of the output image `out_shape = out.shape = (N1, N2,
N3)` (or `out_shape = N` when `N1 = N2 = N3 = N`).
backend : <class 'pyepri.backends.Backend'> or None, optional
A numpy, cupy or torch backend (see :py:mod:`pyepri.backends`
When backend is None, a default backend is inferred from the
input arrays ``(proj, B, h, fgrad)``.
eps : float, optional
Precision requested (>1e-16).
rfft_mode : bool, optional
The backprojection process involves the computation of
discrete Fourier coefficients of the input projections. Set
``rfft_mode=True`` to enable real FFT mode (only half of the
Fourier coefficients will be computed to speed-up computation
and reduce memory usage). Otherwise, use ``rfft_mode=False``,
to enable standard (complex) FFT mode and compute all the
Fourier coefficients.
nodes : dict, optional
Precomputed frequency nodes associated to the input
projections. If not given, `nodes` will be automatically
inferred from `B`, `delta` and `fgrad` using
notest : bool, optional
Set ``notest=True`` to disable consistency checks.
out : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
A three-dimensional array with specified shape corresponding
to the backprojected image.
See also
# backend inference (if necessary)
if backend is None:
backend = checks._backend_inference_(proj=proj, B=B, h=h,
# consistency checks
if not notest:
_check_nd_inputs_(3, B, delta, fgrad, backend, h=h, proj=proj,
eps=eps, nodes=nodes, rfft_mode=rfft_mode,
# perform backprojection
if rfft_mode:
rfft_proj = backend.rfft(proj)
rfft_h_conj = backend.rfft(h).conj()
out = backproj3d_rfft(rfft_proj, delta, B, rfft_h_conj, fgrad,
backend=backend, eps=eps,
out_shape=out_shape, nodes=nodes,
fft_proj = backend.fft(proj)
fft_h_conj = backend.fft(h).conj()
out = backproj3d_fft(fft_proj, delta, B, fft_h_conj, fgrad,
backend=backend, eps=eps,
out_shape=out_shape, nodes=nodes,
return out.real
def backproj3d_fft(fft_proj, delta, B, fft_h_conj, fgrad,
backend=None, out_shape=None, out=None, eps=1e-06,
nodes=None, notest=False):
"""Perform EPR backprojection from 3D EPR projections provided in \
Fourier domain.
fft_proj : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two-dimensional array with shape ``(Nproj, len(B))`` (where
``Nproj = fgrad.shape[1]``) containing the EPR projections in
Fourier domain.
More precisely, ``fft_proj[k,:]`` corresponds to the FFT of
the k-th EPR projection (acquired with field gradient
``fgrad[:,k]`` and sampled over the grid `B`).
delta : float
Pixel size given in a length unit denoted below as
`[length-unit]` (can be `centimeter (cm)`, `millimeter (mm)`,
B : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array corresponding to the homogeneous
magnetic field sampling grid, with unit denoted below as
`[B-unit]` (can be `Gauss (G)`, `millitesla (mT)`, ...), to
use to compute the projections.
fft_h_conj : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array with length ``len(B)`` containing
the conjugate of half of the discrete Fourier coefficients of
the reference spectrum sampled over `B`.
fgrad : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two dimensional array with shape ``(3, fgrad.shape[1])`` such
that ``fgrad[:,k]`` corresponds to the (X,Y,Z) coordinates of
the field gradient vector associated to the k-th EPR
projection to be computed.
The physical unit of the field gradient should be consistent
with that of `B` and delta, i.e., `fgrad` must be provided in
`[B-unit] / [length-unit]` (e.g., `G/cm`, `mT/cm`, ...).
backend : <class 'pyepri.backends.Backend'> or None, optional
A numpy, cupy or torch backend (see :py:mod:`pyepri.backends`
When backend is None, a default backend is inferred from the
input arrays ``(fft_proj, B, fft_h_conj, fgrad)``.
out_shape : integer or integer tuple of length 3, optional
Shape of the output image `out_shape = out.shape = (N1, N2,
N3)` (or `out_shape = N` when N1 = N2 = N3 = N). This optional
input is in fact mandatory when no preallocated array is given
(i.e., when ``out=None``).
out : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`), optional
Preallocated output array with shape ``(N1, N2, N3)`` and
**complex** data type. If `out_shape` is specifed, the shape
must match (i.e., we must have ``out.shape == out_shape``),
otherwise, `out_shape` is inferred from `out`.
eps : float, optional
Precision requested (>1e-16).
nodes : dict, optional
Precomputed frequency nodes associated to the input
projections. If not given, `nodes` will be automatically
inferred from `B`, `delta` and `fgrad` using
notest : bool, optional
Set ``notest=True`` to disable consistency checks.
out : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Backprojected 3D image in complex format (imaginary part
should be close to zero and can be thrown away).
See also
# backend inference (if necessary)
if backend is None:
backend = checks._backend_inference_(fft_proj=fft_proj, B=B,
# consistency checks
if not notest:
_check_nd_inputs_(3, B, delta, fgrad, backend, nodes=nodes,
eps=eps, rfft_mode=False, out_im=out,
out_shape=out_shape, fft_h_conj=fft_h_conj,
# compute irregular frequency nodes (if not provided as input)
if nodes is None:
nodes = compute_3d_frequency_nodes(B, delta, fgrad,
# compute adjoint nufft (notice that the switch between x and y
# axis in the nufft3d_adjoint function below is made on purpose
# for compliance with standard image processing axes ordering
# (axis 0 is Y-axis, axis 1 is the X-axis and axis 2 is the
# Z-axis))
x, y, z = nodes['x'], nodes['y'], nodes['z']
indexes = nodes['indexes']
c = (fft_proj * fft_h_conj).reshape((-1,))[indexes]
out = backend.nufft3d_adjoint(y, x, z, c, n_modes=out_shape,
out=out, eps=eps)
out *= delta**3 / float(len(B))
return out
def backproj3d_rfft(rfft_proj, delta, B, rfft_h_conj, fgrad,
backend=None, out_shape=None, out=None, eps=1e-06,
nodes=None, notest=False):
"""Perform EPR backprojection from 3D EPR projections provided in Fourier domain (half of the full spectrum).
rfft_proj : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two-dimensional array with shape ``(Nproj, 1+len(B)//2)``
(where ``Nproj = fgrad.shape[1]``) containing the EPR
projections in Fourier domain (half of the spectrum).
More precisely, ``rfft_proj[k,:]`` corresponds to the real FFT
(rfft) of the k-th EPR projection (acquired with field
gradient ``fgrad[:,k]`` and sampled over the grid `B`).
delta : float
Pixel size given in a length unit denoted below as
`[length-unit]` (can be `centimeter (cm)`, `millimeter (mm)`,
B : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array corresponding to the homogeneous
magnetic field sampling grid, with unit denoted below as
`[B-unit]` (can be `Gauss (G)`, `millitesla (mT)`, ...), to
use to compute the projections.
rfft_h_conj : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array with length ``1+len(B)//2`` containing
the conjugate of half of the discrete Fourier coefficients of
the reference spectrum sampled over `B` (corresponds to the
conjugate of the signal computed using the real input FFT
(rfft) of the reference spectrum).
fgrad : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two dimensional array with shape ``(3, fgrad.shape[1])`` such
that ``fgrad[:,k]`` corresponds to the (X,Y,Z) coordinates of
the field gradient vector associated to the k-th EPR
projection to be computed.
The physical unit of the field gradient should be consistent
with that of `B` and delta, i.e., `fgrad` must be provided in
`[B-unit] / [length-unit]` (e.g., `G/cm`, `mT/cm`, ...).
backend : <class 'pyepri.backends.Backend'> or None, optional
A numpy, cupy or torch backend (see :py:mod:`pyepri.backends`
When backend is None, a default backend is inferred from the
input arrays ``(rfft_proj, B, rfft_h_conj, fgrad)``.
out_shape : integer or integer tuple of length 2, optional
Shape of the output image `out_shape = out.shape = (N1, N2,
N3)` (or `out_shape = N` when N1 = N2 = N3 = N). This optional
input is in fact mandatory when no preallocated array is given
(i.e., when ``out=None``).
out : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`), optional
Preallocated output array with shape ``(N1, N2, N3)`` and
**complex** data type. If `out_shape` is specifed, the shape
must match (i.e., we must have ``out.shape == out_shape``),
otherwise, `out_shape` is inferred from `out`.
eps : float, optional
Precision requested (>1e-16).
nodes : dict, optional
Precomputed frequency nodes associated to the input
projections. If not given, `nodes` will be automatically
inferred from `B`, `delta` and `fgrad` using
notest : bool, optional
Set ``notest=True`` to disable consistency checks.
out : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Backprojected 3D image in complex format (imaginary part
should be close to zero and can be thrown away).
See also
# backend inference (if necessary)
if backend is None:
backend = checks._backend_inference_(rfft_proj=rfft_proj, B=B,
# consistency checks
if not notest:
_check_nd_inputs_(3, B, delta, fgrad, backend, nodes=nodes,
eps=eps, rfft_mode=True, out_im=out,
# compute irregular frequency nodes (if not provided as input)
if nodes is None:
nodes = compute_3d_frequency_nodes(B, delta, fgrad,
# compute adjoint nufft (notice that the switch between x and y
# axis in the nufft3d_adjoint function below is made on purpose
# for compliance with standard image processing axes ordering
# (axis 0 is Y-axis, axis 1 is the X-axis and axis 2 is the
# Z-axis))
x, y, z = nodes['x'], nodes['y'], nodes['z']
indexes = nodes['indexes']
c = (rfft_proj * rfft_h_conj)
c[:,0] *= .5 # avoid counting two times the zero-frequency
# coefficients when completing the sum below
c = c.reshape((-1,))[indexes]
out = backend.nufft3d_adjoint(y, x, z, c, n_modes=out_shape,
out=out, eps=eps)
out += out.conj() # complete the sum (the missing terms are the
# conjugate of the already computed terms)
out *= delta**3 / float(len(B))
return out
def compute_3d_toeplitz_kernel(B, h1, h2, delta, fgrad, out_shape,
backend=None, eps=1e-06,
rfft_mode=True, nodes=None,
return_rfft3=False, notest=False):
"""Compute 3D Toeplitz kernel allowing fast computation of a ``proj3d`` followed by a ``backproj3d`` operation.
B : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array corresponding to the homogeneous
magnetic field sampling grid, with unit denoted below as
`[B-unit]` (can be `Gauss (G)`, `millitesla (mT)`, ...), to
use to compute the projections.
h1 : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array with same length as `B` corresponding to
the reference spectrum involved in the forward (proj3d)
operation (and sampled over the grid `B`).
h2 : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
One dimensional array with same length as `B` corresponding to
the reference spectrum involved in the backward (backproj3d)
operation (and sampled over the grid `B`).
delta : float
Pixel size given in a length unit denoted below as
`[length-unit]` (can be `centimeter (cm)`, `millimeter (mm)`,
fgrad : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Two dimensional array with shape ``(3, fgrad.shape[1])`` such
that ``fgrad[:,k]`` corresponds to the (X,Y,Z) coordinates of
the field gradient vector associated to the k-th EPR
projection to be computed.
The physical unit of the field gradient should be consistent
with that of `B` and delta, i.e., `fgrad` must be provided in
`[B-unit] / [length-unit]` (e.g., `G/cm`, `mT/cm`, ...).
out_shape : integer or integer tuple of length 3
Shape of the output kernel ``out_shape = phi.shape = (M1, M2,
M3)``. The kernel shape should be twice the EPR image shape
(i.e., denoting by `(N1, N2, N3)` the shape of the EPR image,
we should have ``(M1, M2, M3) = (2*N1, 2*N2, 2*N3)``).
backend : <class 'pyepri.backends.Backend'> or None, optional
A numpy, cupy or torch backend (see :py:mod:`pyepri.backends`
When backend is None, a default backend is inferred from the
input arrays ``(B, h1, h2, fgrad)``.
eps : float, optional
Precision requested (>1e-16).
rfft_mode : bool, optional
The computation of the Toeplitz kernel involves the
computation of discrete Fourier coefficients of real-valued
signals. Set ``rfft_mode=True`` to enable real FFT mode
(speed-up the computation and reduce memory usage). Otherwise,
use ``rfft_mode=False``, to enable standard (complex) FFT
nodes : dict, optional
Precomputed frequency nodes used to evaluate the output
kernel. If not given, `nodes` will be automatically inferred
from `B`, `delta` and `fgrad` using
return_rfft3: bool, optional
Set ``return_rfft3`` to return the real input FFT (rfft3) of
the computed three-dimensional kernel (instead of the kernel
notest : bool, optional
Set ``notest=True`` to disable consistency checks.
phi : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Computed Toeplitz kernel (or its three-dimensional real input
FFT when ``return_rfft3 is True``).
See also
# backend inference (if necessary)
if backend is None:
backend = checks._backend_inference_(B=B, h1=h1, h2=h2,
# consistency checks
if not notest:
_check_nd_inputs_(3, B, delta, fgrad, backend, h1=h1, h2=h2,
nodes=nodes, eps=eps, out_shape=out_shape,
# compute irregular frequency nodes (if not provided as input)
if nodes is None:
nodes = compute_3d_frequency_nodes(B, delta, fgrad,
# retrieve complex data type
dtype = backend.lib_to_str_dtypes[B.dtype]
cdtype = backend.mapping_to_complex_dtypes[dtype]
# compute kernel (notice that the switch between x and y axis in
# the nufft3d_adjoint function below is made on purpose for
# compliance with standard image processing axes ordering (axis 0
# is the Y-axis, axis 1 is X-axis, and axis 2 is the Z-axis))
x, y, z = nodes['x'], nodes['y'], nodes['z']
indexes = nodes['indexes']
if rfft_mode:
g = backend.rfft(h1)
g *= backend.rfft(h2).conj()
c = backend.tile(g.reshape((1,-1)), (fgrad.shape[1], 1))
c[:,0] *= .5 # avoid counting two times the zero-frequency
# coefficients when completing the sum below
c = c.reshape((-1,))[nodes['indexes']]
phi = backend.nufft3d_adjoint(y, x, z, c, n_modes=out_shape,
phi += phi.conj() # complete the sum (the missing terms are
# the conjugate of those computed above)
g = backend.fft(h1).reshape((1,-1))
g *= backend.fft(h2).conj().reshape((1,-1))
c = backend.tile(g, (fgrad.shape[1], 1)).reshape((-1,))[indexes]
phi = backend.nufft3d_adjoint(y, x, z, c, n_modes=out_shape,
phi *= delta**6 / float(len(B))
return backend.rfftn(phi.real) if return_rfft3 else phi.real
def apply_3d_toeplitz_kernel(u, rfft3_phi, backend=None, notest=False):
"""Perform a ``proj3d`` followed by a ``backproj3d`` operation using a precomputed Toeplitz kernel provided in Fourier domain.
u : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
Three-dimensional array corresponding to the input 3D image to
be projected-backprojected.
rfft3_phi : complex array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
real input FFT of the 3D Toeplitz kernel computed using
backend : <class 'pyepri.backends.Backend'> or None, optional
A numpy, cupy or torch backend (see :py:mod:`pyepri.backends`
When backend is None, a default backend is inferred from the
input arrays ``(u, rfft3_phi)``.
notest : bool, optional
Set ``notest=True`` to disable consistency checks.
out : array_like (with type `backend.cls`)
output projected-backprojected image.
See also
# backend inference (if necessary)
if backend is None:
backend = checks._backend_inference_(u=u, rfft3_phi=rfft3_phi)
# consistency checks
if not notest:
checks._check_backend_(backend, u=u, rfft3_phi=rfft3_phi)
checks._check_ndim_(3, u=u, rfft3_phi=rfft3_phi)
cdtype = backend.str_to_lib_dtypes[backend.mapping_to_complex_dtypes[backend.lib_to_str_dtypes[u.dtype]]]
checks._check_dtype_(cdtype, rfft3_phi=rfft3_phi)
# compute shape of the extended domain
Ny, Nx, Nz = u.shape
s = (2 * Ny, 2 * Nx, 2 * Nz)
# compute & return output image
return backend.irfftn(rfft3_phi * backend.rfftn(u, s=s),
s=s)[Ny::, Nx::, Nz::]