CPU & GPU backends

Details about the CPU & GPU backend of the package.

PyEPRI was designed in a modular fashion. The functions of this package rely on standard datatypes (mostly arrays) and not on specific classes. The only nonstandard object involved in this package is a backend system whose role is to facilitate CPU & GPU compatible scripting and development. More precisely, the PyEPRI backend system allows the use of the libraries {numpy, cupy, torch} in a unified framework. Deep understanding of this tutorial is not mandatory but taking a quick look at this tutorial will facilitate the understanding of all upcoming EPR imaging demo examples.

What is a PyEPRI backend?

Although most common functions of the numpy libraries are usually also available in the cupy, and torch libraries, those functions rely on library-dependent types (e.g., numpy.ndarray, cupy.ndarray, torch.Tensor, …) and library-dependent datatypes (e.g., numpy.float32, cupy.float32, torch.float32, …). Besides, parameter naming conventions or default values oftenly differ between those libraries. The role of the backend is to remap those library-dependent types, datatypes and common functions towards a standardized counterpart (examples are provided below).

Technically, a PyEPRI backend is an instance of the pyepri.backends.Backend class and must be passed as input of most functions of this package. It is also recommended to prefer the usage of the backend commands (e.g., backend.abs, backend.meshgrid, backend.rand, …) to their library-dependent counterparts in your own script. Doing so, moving from a CPU based computation framework with numpy to a GPU based computation framework with cupy or PyTorch is possible by simply changing the backend instance (keeping the rest of the script unchanged) as we systematically do in all provided EPR imaging demo examples.

Remark: The available backend functions (backend.abs, backend.meshgrid, backend.rand, …) have been restricted to the functions needed in the internal submodules and in the tutorial and example scripts. The backend functionalities may be extended in future releases of the PyEPRI package, depending on the needs.

Numpy backend (CPU)

Since numpy is systematically installed with pyepri (as a mandatory dependency of this package), you should be able to create a numpy backend using the following commands.

# ---------------------- #
# Create a numpy backend #
# ---------------------- #
import pyepri.backends as backends
backend = backends.create_numpy_backend()

Once the backend object is created, it can be passed to any PyEPRI function requiring a backend input parameter. Doing so, all operations within the functions will be performed on the CPU using the Numpy library.

You can also access to a bunch of standard functions on arrays, e.g. backend.abs, backend.cos, backend.sin, backend.linspace, backend.meshgrid, backend.rand, and many more. Those functions are lambda functions that simply remap their inputs to the approriate library-dependent function (in this case, to the functions numpy.abs, numpy.cos, numpy.sin, numpy.linspace, numpy.meshgrid, numpy.random.rand, etc.)

For instance the next commands call the backend.rand function to generate a random array with shape (3, 4):

a = backend.rand(3, 4, dtype='float32')
print('type(a) is: %s' % type(a))
print('a.dtype is: %s' % a.dtype)
type(a) is: <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
a.dtype is: float32

The type and datatype of the generated array will depend on the backend instance as summarized below.

Backend library

Type of a

Datatype of a










Here the backend instance is a numpy backend so the type and datatype of the array a are respectively numpy.ndarray and numpy.float32.

In practice, the backend instance provides a way to avoid calling the library dependent functions numpy.random.rand, cupy.random.rand and torch.rand as well as the library dependent datatypes numpy.float32, cupy.float32 and torch.float32 when developing a script. When the backend instance is changed, the function mapping is changed but those change have no impact on the content of the script. Only the choice of the backend instance will determine how the execution is performed.

Note that a mini-documentation is provided for each standardized function of a backend instance. The documentation can be displayed using the help() function, as illustrated below for the backend.rand function.

Help on function <lambda> in module pyepri.backends:

<lambda> lambda *dims, dtype='float32'
    return numpy.random.rand(*dims).astype(dtype)

More information about the standardized naming conventions and remapping functionalities are available in the pyepri.backends submodule documentation.

Cupy backend (GPU)

If the Cupy library is installed on your system (see the installation instructions for the installation of this library as an optional dependency of the PyEPRI package), you should be able to instantiate a cupy backend by uncommenting the next command (an error will be raised if Cupy is not installed).

# --------------------------- #
# Create a cupy backend (GPU) #
# --------------------------- #
#backend = backends.create_cupy_backend() # uncomment here for a CUPY backend

Then, you can execute again the backend.rand commands presented above and check that the computed array has now the type cupy.ndarray and datatype cupy.float32.

PyTorch backend (CPU or GPU)

If the PyTorch library is installed on your system (see the installation instructions for the installation of this library as an optional dependency of the PyEPRI package), you should be able to instantiate a torch backend using either a CPU or a GPU device by uncommenting the next commands (an error will be raised if PyTorch is not installed or if the requested device is not available).

# -------------------------------- #
# Create a torch-cpu backend (CPU) #
# -------------------------------- #
#backend = backends.create_torch_backend('cpu') # uncomment here for a PyTorch-CPU backend

# --------------------------------- #
# Create a torch-cuda backend (GPU) #
# --------------------------------- #
device = 'cuda' # select GPU device (if several GPU are available, you
                # can explicitly select the device index by using
                # device = 'cuda:0', device = 'cuda:1', etc.)
#backend = backends.create_torch_backend(device=device) # uncomment here for a PyTorch GPU backend

Now, by executing again the backend.rand commands presented above, you can check that the computed array has now the type torch.Tensor and datatype torch.float32.

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.271 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 241 MB

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