Go to the end to download the full example code.
Separation of TAM & TEMPO (synthetic 2D experiment)
Simultaneous image reconstruction and separation of a mixture of TAM & TEMPO using TV regularized least-squares (synthetic experiment).
# -------------- #
# Import modules #
# -------------- #
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pyepri.backends as backends
import pyepri.datasets as datasets
import pyepri.displayers as displayers
import pyepri.monosrc as monosrc
import pyepri.processing as processing
# -------------- #
# Create backend #
# -------------- #
# We create a numpy backend here because it should be available on
# your system (as a mandatory dependency of the PyEPRI
# package).
# However, you can also try another backend (if available on your
# system) by uncommenting one of the following commands. Depending on
# your system, using another backend may drastically reduce the
# computation time.
backend = backends.create_numpy_backend()
#backend = backends.create_torch_backend('cpu') # uncomment here for torch-cpu backend
#backend = backends.create_cupy_backend() # uncomment here for cupy backend
#backend = backends.create_torch_backend('cuda') # uncomment here for torch-gpu backend
# Compute synthetic images #
# set datatype, pixel-size & dimensions of the source images
dtype = 'float32'
delta = 1e-2 # spatial sampling step (cm)
Nx, Ny = 300, 300 # width & height of the source images
# compute spatial coordinates
x = (-(Nx//2) + backend.arange(Nx)) * delta
y = (-(Ny//2) + backend.arange(Ny)) * delta
X, Y = backend.meshgrid(x, y)
# compute TAM source image (disk)
D = .8 # disc diameter (cm)
x0, y0 = -0.1, .25 # center coordinates
u_tam = backend.cast((X - x0)**2 + (Y - y0)**2 <= (D/2)**2, dtype)
# compute TEMPO source image (filled rectangle)
rx, ry = 1.5, .75 # rectangle size along each axis (cm)
u_tempo = backend.cast((backend.abs(X) <= rx/2.) &
(backend.abs(Y) <= ry/2.), dtype)
# load TAM & TEMPO reference spectra (real measurements) #
# retrieve paths towards of the different files comprised in the dataset
path_B = datasets.get_path('tam-and-tempo-tubes-2d-20210609-B.npy')
path_htam = datasets.get_path('tam-and-tempo-tubes-2d-20210609-htam.npy')
path_htempo = datasets.get_path('tam-and-tempo-tubes-2d-20210609-htempo.npy')
# load the dataset
dtype = 'float32'
B = backend.from_numpy(np.load(path_B).astype(dtype))
h_tam = backend.from_numpy(np.load(path_htam).astype(dtype))
h_tempo = backend.from_numpy(np.load(path_htempo).astype(dtype))
# generate synthetic projections #
# generate field gradient vector
Gampl = 10 # gradient amplitude (G/cm)
Nproj = 40 # number of projections to simulate
theta = backend.linspace(0, math.pi, Nproj, dtype=dtype) # Gradient orientations (rad)
Gx = Gampl * backend.cos(theta)
Gy = Gampl * backend.sin(theta)
fg = backend.stack([Gx, Gy])
# compute synthetic projections as the sum between the projections of
# the TAM source and the projections of the TEMPO source
proj_tam = monosrc.proj2d(u_tam, delta, B, h_tam, fg, backend=backend)
proj_tempo = monosrc.proj2d(u_tempo, delta, B, h_tempo, fg, backend=backend)
proj_mixture = proj_tam + proj_tempo
# add synthetic noise (Gaussian)
proj_mixture += backend.randn(proj_mixture.shape, std=5e3)
# display source images and synthetic projections #
# prepare display
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 4))
img_extent = [t.item() for t in (x[0], x[-1], y[0], y[-1])]
proj_extent = [t.item() for t in (B[0], B[-1], theta[0]*180./math.pi, theta[-1]*180./math.pi)]
# display TAM source image
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.imshow(backend.to_numpy(u_tam), extent=img_extent, origin='lower')
plt.title("(a) TAM source")
plt.xlabel("X (cm)")
plt.ylabel("Y (cm)")
# display TEMPO source image
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.imshow(backend.to_numpy(u_tempo), extent=img_extent, origin='lower')
plt.title("(b) TEMPO source")
plt.xlabel("X (cm)")
plt.ylabel("Y (cm)")
# synthetic projections of the mixture of TAM + TEMPO
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
plt.imshow(backend.to_numpy(proj_mixture), extent=proj_extent, aspect='auto')
plt.title("Synthetic projections of the mixture (a) + (b)")
plt.xlabel("B: homogeneous magnetic field intensity (G)")
_ = plt.ylabel("field gradient orientation (degree)")

# set reconstruction parameters
tam_shape = (100, 100) # required size for the output TAM source
tempo_shape = (100, 100) # required size for the output TEMPO source
out_shape = (tam_shape, tempo_shape) # output image shape
delta = 3e-2 # sampling step of the reconstruction (cm)
lbda = 10 # normalized regularity parameter
proj = (proj_mixture,) # list of input experiments (here only one experiment)
h = ((h_tam, h_tempo),) # list of source spectra associated to each experiment
fgrad = (fg,) # list of field gradient vectors associated to each experiment
# set optional parameters
nitermax = 5000 # maximal number of iterations
verbose = False # disable console verbose mode
video = True # enable video display
Ndisplay = 20 # refresh display rate (iteration per refresh)
eval_energy = False # disable TV-regularized least-square energy
# evaluation each Ndisplay iteration
# customize 2D multi-sources image displayer: also optional, customize
# display (when video mode is enabled)
tam_shape = out_shape[0]
tempo_shape = out_shape[1]
xgrid_tam = (-(tam_shape[1]//2) + np.arange(tam_shape[1])) * delta
ygrid_tam = (-(tam_shape[0]//2) + np.arange(tam_shape[0])) * delta
xgrid_tempo = (-(tempo_shape[1]//2) + np.arange(tempo_shape[1])) * delta
ygrid_tempo = (-(tempo_shape[0]//2) + np.arange(tempo_shape[0])) * delta
grid_tam = (ygrid_tam, xgrid_tam)
grid_tempo = (ygrid_tempo, xgrid_tempo)
grids = (grid_tam, grid_tempo) # provide spatial sampling grids for each source
unit = 'cm' # provide length unit associated to the grids
display_labels = True # display axes labels within subplots
adjust_dynamic = True # maximize displayed dynamic at each refresh
boundaries = 'same' # give all subplots the same axes boundaries
# (ensure same pixel size for each displayed
# slice)
displayFcn = lambda u : [np.maximum(im, 0) for im in u] # display
# positive
# part of each
# source image
figsize = (10., 4.4) # size of the figure to be displayed
src_labels = ('TAM', 'TEMPO') # source labels (to be included into suptitles)
displayer = displayers.create_2d_displayer(nsrc=2, units=unit,
# run processing
out = processing.tv_multisrc(proj, B, fgrad, delta, h, lbda,
out_shape, backend=backend, tol=1e-5,
eval_energy=eval_energy, video=video,
verbose=verbose, Ndisplay=Ndisplay,

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 5.507 seconds)
Estimated memory usage: 238 MB